A concise, accessible introduction to the development, application and evaluation of nursing theories, this new edition of Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories & Practice provides a thorough overview of the body of knowledge on the topic, and a clear outline of their relevance to everyday nursing practice. Linking the development of theory to practice, this full-updated text features learning outcomes, key concept summaries and reflective exercises to aid the study of this key element of all modern nursing courses.
Special Features
* Clearly examines the relationship between nursing theory, clinical practice and nursing roles
* Accessible and user-friendly with a range of features to help study, including key concepts, learning objectives and reflective exercises
* Useful for all pre-registration nursing students, as well as newly qualified nurses
* Accompanied by an online resource centre featuring case studies, multiple choice questions, exercises and activities
About the series viii
Dedication ix
Preface x
How to use your textbook xii
About the companion website xvii
Chapter 1 The case for nursing theory 1
Introduction 2
The necessity and meaning of theory 4
Theory defined 5
Construction of theory 9
Theory and science of nursing 11
Other interpretations of theory 13
Main paradigms and philosophies and their influence on the development of nursing science 14
Theory and practice of nursing 16
Do we really need theory? 18
Nursing theories today 18
Conclusion 21
Chapter 2 Knowing in nursing and nursing knowledge 23
Introduction 24
Defining knowing and knowledge 24
Philosophies of knowledge 25
How do nurses know? 35
Developing nursing knowledge 48
Conclusion 52
Chapter 3 Theory from practice and practice from theory 53
Introduction 54
First steps – reflecting on theory 54
The questions begged 55
Developing nursing theory 56
Levels of theory 58
The relationship between theory and practice 69
The questions begged – some answers 76
Conclusion 77
Chapter 4 Nursing theories and new nursing roles 79
Introduction 80
Defining role 81
Background to the development of new roles in nursing 81
Some implications of the new nursing roles 84
Using theory to understand new roles in nursing 85
Conclusion 97
Chapter 5 Nursing theories or nursing models 99
Introduction 100
Reasons for historical nursing theory evolution 100
Model 102
Theory 103
Theory or model? 104
The classification of theories 106
Current trends in nursing theories 109
The nursing metaparadigm 110
Limitations of nursing theories 114
Benefits of nursing theories 118
Conclusions 121
Chapter 6 Interpersonal relationships: the essence of nursing models and theories 123
Introduction 124
Types of interpersonal relationships 124
Interpersonal theories of nursing 127
Implications for nurse education 133
Social capital 135
Threats to the development of interpersonal relationships in nursing and the use of interpersonal theories 136
Conclusion 138
Chapter 7 How to select a suitable model or theory 140
Introduction 141
Selecting an appropriate nursing theory 142
Potential problems when selecting a nursing theory 143
Choosing a suitable nursing theory 150
Nurses’ own philosophy as a basis for selecting a theory 153
A strategy for choice 154
Who should select the theory? 155
Nursing theories or theories developed by another discipline? 156
Conclusion 158
Chapter 8 Research and theory: some relationships 161
Introduction 162
Building theory through research: an inductive approach 162
Is the link between theory and research strong? 165
Research in nursing 166
Theory-generating research (TGR) 167
Theory-testing research (TTR) 171
Theory-framed research (TFR) 174
Theory-evaluating research (TER) 175
Strategies for theory development through research 180
Conclusions 184
Chapter 9 Criteria for theory description, analysis and evaluation 186
Introduction 187
The evaluator of a nursing theory 187
Significance of the theory 187
Step 1: Theory description 189
Step 2: Theory analysis 192
Step 3: Theory evaluation 201
Conclusion 206
References 208
Index 220
Hugh P. Mc Kenna CBE is Pro Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation at University of Ulster, UK.
Majda Pajnkihar is Dean, Senior Research Fellow, and Head of Institute of Nursing Care in the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
Fiona Murphy is Associate Professor at the College of Human & Health Sciences, Swansea University, UK.