Vayos Liapis is Professor of Theatre Studies at the Open University of Cyprus. His main areas of interest are Greek tragedy of the 5th and 4th centuries BC and the modern reception of Greek tragedy. His latest book is A Commentary on the Rhesus Attributed to Euripides (2012), and his latest co-edited volume is Performance in Greek and Roman Theatre (2013). He is currently writing a commentary on Aeschylus” Seven against Thebes, and co-editing Greek Tragedy after the Fifth Century (with A. K. Petrides) and Adapting Greek Tragedy (with A. Sidiropoulou).Maria Pavlou is an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Cyprus and the Open University of Cyprus. Her main areas of interest are archaic lyric poetry, Plato, digital classics, and modern reception of Greek tragedy. She has published works on several Greek authors, including Pindar, Thucydides, Plato, Yannis Ritsos and Iakovos Kambanellis. She is currently co-editing Framing the Dialogues: How to Read Openings and Closures in Plato (with A. Tsakmakis and E. Kaklamanou). Antonis K. Petrides is Associate Professor of Classics at the Open University of Cyprus, and his main area of interest is Ancient Greek drama and its modern reception. He is the author of Menander, New Comedy and the Visual (2014), and co-editor of New Perspectives on Postclassical Comedy (with Sophia Papaioannou, 2010) and Greek Tragedy after the Fifth Century, forthcoming (with V. Liapis, 2018). He is currently preparing a new edition and commentary of Menander”s Dyskolos.
1 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Maria Pavlou
Vayos Liapis & Maria Pavlou: Debating with the Eumenides
Modern Greek national and cultural identities consist, to a considerable extent, of clusters of cultural memory, shaped by an ongoing dialogue with the classical past. Within this dialogue between mo …