Professor Markus Rupp, University of Technology Vienna, Austria
Markus Rupp is presently a full professor for Digital Signal Processing in Mobile Communications at the Technical University of Vienna. Rupp previously held a postdoctoral position at the University of Santa Barbara, California. He was associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing from 2002-2005, is currently associate editor of JASP EURASIP Journal of Applied Signal Processing, JES EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, Research Letters in Signal Processing, Research Letters in Communications, and is elected Ad Com member of EURASIP. Professor Rupp has authored and co-authored more than 250 papers and patents on adaptive filtering, wireless communications and rapid prototyping as well as automatic design methods.
7 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Markus Rupp
Markus Rupp: Video and Multimedia Transmissions over Cellular Networks
This excellent reference provides detailed analysis and optimization aspects of live 3G mobile communication networks Video and Multimedia Transmissions over Cellular Networks describes the state-of- …
Markus Rupp & Sebastian Caban: Evaluation of HSDPA and LTE
This book explains how the performance of modern cellular wireless networks can be evaluated by measurements and simulations With the roll-out of LTE, high data throughput is promised to be available …
Markus Rupp & Sebastian Caban: Evaluation of HSDPA and LTE
This book explains how the performance of modern cellular wireless networks can be evaluated by measurements and simulations With the roll-out of LTE, high data throughput is promised to be available …
Thomas K. Birrer & Markus Rupp: Corporate Treasury Management
Dieses Buch thematisiert die wichtigsten Umstrukturierungen für Treasury Organisationen in den Bereichen Cash- und Liquiditätssteuerung, Risikomanagement, Finanzierung sowie Governance und Operations …
Markus Rupp & Stefan Schwarz: The Vienna LTE-Advanced Simulators
This book introduces the Vienna Simulator Suite for 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)-compatible Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) simulators and presents applications to demonstrate their …
Ulrich Egle & Thomas K Birrer: Quick Guide Inflations-Management
Die Unternehmensumwelt hat sich grundlegend gewandelt. Auf die Pandemie folgt als nächste Bewährungsprobe die Inflation. Die hohen Inflationsraten haben finanzielle Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen und i …
Philipp Lütolf & Markus Rupp: Handbuch Finanzmanagement
Das Finanzmanagement ist die Hauptaufgabe einer Finanzchefin und eines Finanzchefs. Wie finanziere ich meine Unternehmung am besten? Was ist der Wert der Firma, wovon hängt er ab, und wie kann ich al …