Since its original publication in 1929, Martin Heidegger’s provocative book on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason has attracted much attention both as an important contribution to twentieth-century Kant scholarship and as a pivotal work in Heidegger’s own development after Being and Time. This fifth, enlarged edition includes marginal notations made by Heidegger in his personal copy of the book and four new appendices—Heidegger’s postpublication notes on the book, his review of Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Heidegger’s response to reviews by rudolf Odebrecht and Cassirer, and an essay ‘On the History of the Philosophical Chair since 1866.’ The work is significant not only for its illuminating assessment of Kant’s thought but also for its elaboration of themes first broached in Being and Time, especially the problem of how Heidegger proposed to enact his destruction of the metaphysical tradition and the role that his reading of Kant would play therein.
Translator’s Introduction
References to Works of Kant and Heidegger
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Prefaces to the First, Second, and Third Editions
The Theme and Structure of the Investigation
The unfolding of the idea of a Fundamental Ontology through the interpretation of the Critique of Pure Reason as a laying of the ground for Metaphysics
Part One
The Starting Point for the Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics
Part Two
Carrying out the Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics
A. The Characterization of the Dimension of Going-Back (needed) for Carrying Out the Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics
I. The Essential Characteristics of the Field of Origin
II. The Manner of Unveiling the Origin
B. The Stages of Carrying out the Projection of the Inner Possibility of Ontology
The First Stage in the Ground-Laying: The Essential Elements of Pure Knowledge
A) Pure Intuition in Finite Knowing
B) Pure Thinking in Finite Knowing
The Second Stage of the Ground-Laying: The Essential Unity of Pure Knowledge
The Third Stage of the Ground-Laying: The Inner Possibility of the Essential Unity of Ontological Synthesis
The Fourth Stage of the Ground-Laying: The Ground for the Inner Possibility of Ontological Knowledge
The Fifth Stage of the Ground-Laying: The Full Essential Determination of Ontological Knowledge
Part Three
The Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics in Its Originality
A. The Explicit Characterization of the Ground Laid in the Ground-Laying
B. The Transcendental Power of Imagination as Root of Both Stems
C. The Transcendental Power of Imagination and the Problem of Human Pure Reason
Part Four
The Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics in a Retrieval
The Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics in Anthropology
B. The Problem of Finitude in Human Beings and the Metaphysics of Dasein
C. The Metaphysics of Dasein as Fundamental Ontology
I. Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and the Task of a Laying of the Ground for Metaphysics
II. Davos Disputation between Ernst Cassirer and Martin Heidegger
Translator’s Notes
Richard Taft is former Research Fellow at Trinity College, Hartford, and former Fulbright Fellow at the Hegel Archive of the Ruhr University in Germany.