Though declared a piece of property by the US Supreme Court, Dred Scott insisted on telling his own story, on speaking freely. That was his freedom, and he didn’t require a court to help him find it.
Speak Right On explores the story of Dred Scott and the history of slavery that has changed our cultural landscape.
From the eastern coast of Virginia to the farthest reaches of the US frontier, from house slave to the field hand to surgeon’s assistant, from boy to man, from young love to family life, from enslavement to freedom, this is an epic story of dignity and determination.
“He who does his best for his own time, lives for all times.” (Igbo proverb)
Praise for the First Edition i
Foreword xv
Prologue 1
1 Upriver, Downriver 7
2 Warrior Women 9
3 Middle Passage 15
4 Totem 25
5 Slavery’s Child 35
6 In the Big House 43
7 Apprentice 49
8 Preacher Boy 61
9 Rites of Passage 71
10 Before 81
11 After 99
12 Alabama Slave 113
13 Lying Shame 129
14 Divided 149
15 Road of Souls 165
16 Building 177
17 Dawn’s Early Light 185
18 Abolitionists and Slave Owners 201
19 Aurora 221
20 Bonded 229
21 Down South 237
22 Battle Lines 245
23 Casualties 255
24 Deciding to Sue 267
25 Technicalities 281
26 Nyasanu 293
27 Decisions 301
28 Epilogue 315
Acknowledgments 321
About the Author 322
Dear Reader 323
Lynne M. Jackson is the great-great-granddaughter of Dred and Harriet Scott, and she is the founder of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation.