Everyone has a point of view. For some, it is a thought or an opinion for a while and can change. For some, it becomes a chosen path for life. Thoughts although unseen can be powerful. Some thoughts evolve into creative dreams and achievements. Depending on a personal point of view, a dream can foster an aspiration. A dream is most often thought to be an image or an emotion occurring during sleep. Some believe dreams are formed by the psych. Still, others feel that dreams can be warnings and even predict future events. Dreams can be pleasant or sad. Regardless of how one might view dreams—everybody has them.
The main character in this story, Walt Norman, wants to become an architect. In his point of view, his dream of being one can be accomplished by the path, he alone chooses to take. He believes in God and reads the word. He prays and seeks direction and answers. Yet he is reluctantly influenced by a recurring night vision. His Christian belief causes him to develop what seems to others to be a peculiar point of view.
Walt is a genius when it comes to architectural design but fails to understand the blueprint of the master designer. He also misinterprets the term peculiar people introduced in 1 Peter 2:9, KJV. Can he fulfill his life-long dream? There are different obstacles that come to block him from reaching his goal. The story has some twists and turns but makes for eye-opening reading.
Mary Johnson was born in Cleveland, Ohio. She attended or took classes at the following schools; Cleveland State University, Cuyahoga Community College, Wooster Business College and Kent State University in the 1960’s. She was licensed realtor for ten years. She also worked for United Torch Agencies. In 1991, she was attacked with breast cancer; by the grace and healing power of God, she survived.
Mary loves to write and has been supplied with a wealth of stories having been the wife of a pastor. She hopes that her stories will encourage readers to trust in the living God.