This volume of Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics includes selected papers from the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Bangkok. The theoretical and empirical papers gathered here cover diverse areas of business and management from different geographic regions; yet the main focus is on the latest findings on evolving marketing methods, analytics, communication standards, and their effects on customer value and engagement. The volume also includes related studies that analyze sustainable consumer behavior, and business strategy-related topics such as cross-border restructuring, quality management standards, and the internationalization of SMEs.
Part I. Marketıng .- Encouraging Sustainable Consumer Behavior: A Stakeholder Approach.- The Role of Food Product Features in the Purchase Process by Consumer Generation X and Y.- Local or Imported Product – Assessment of Purchasing Preferences of Consumers on Food Markets: The Case of Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Ukraine.- Specifics of Marketing Communications within Political Environment in Slovakia.- Muslim Consumers’ Attitude Toward Non-Muslim’s Halal Food Operators: Evidence from Malaysia.- Part II. Management.- Business Impact of the Imprecise Implementation of European Directives on Cross-Border Companies Restructurings.- Australian and New Zealand B Corps and Their Use of Social Media.- Occupant Satisfaction in Sustainable and Conventional Higher Education Buildings.- The Missing Framework for Adaptation of Agile Software Development Projects.- Innovations Risk Factors Analysis Between Innovation Leaders and Moderate Innovators.- Part III. SMES.- The Influence of a Branch Group Purchasing Organization on the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.- Multidimensional Approach to the Role of Internal Business Factors in Internationalization of Manufacturing SME’s.- Risks in the Development of SME’s Business Functioning on the Basis of CSR.