An estimated 100 million people worldwide are homeless.
1.6 billion live in sub-standard housing.
But how can such a simple game like football tackle such a complex problem? Mel Young and Peter Barr tell the story of the million homeless people in 70 countries who have taken part in the Homeless World Cup since it was founded in 2003 and the positive impact it has on the players and everyone else involved, including spectators. From refugees to drug addicts, orphans and the poorest of the poor, to homeless people from the world's richest countries, we read about the moving human drama behind the event and find out how a ball can change the world.
Home Game provides an insight into the birth of the Homeless World Cup and how it has become such a global phenomenon, by looking at more than just facts. It shows how the power of sport can help excluded people transform their own lives and how the event has transformed attitudes to homelessness.
Peter Barr is a writer and journalist who now lives in the Highlands of Scotland, after nearly 40 years working in Hong Kong, Singapore and Edinburgh. A Trustee of the Homeless World Cup Foundation, Peter has been involved with the organisation since it was founded, and was the Communications Director in Mexico City in 2012.