‘The book′s strengths are its practical information and the specific ways of looking at expectations and developing a common language. The forms included will be of great benefit to school teams.’
—Susan Safarik, Supervisor, Department of Special Education
Lincoln Public Schools, NE
‘Provides a lot of research and breaks down the processes for implementing positive behavior supports effectively in schools. Step-by-step directions, sample forms, and examples make the processes easy to incorporate and understand.’
—Julia De Garmo, Special Education Specialist
Columbus City Schools, OH
Learn how to teach and support appropriate behavior and build confidence in young children!
This easy-to-read resource presents the Programwide/Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Support (PW/SW-PBS) system, a preventive, research-based approach that helps educators teach classroom behavior skills the same way they teach academic skills. The authors outline the PW/SW-PBS model, describe the core practices, and provide case examples to aid implementation. Key features of this instruction-based system include:
- Differing levels of intervention to meet individual student needs
- Clearly stated behavioral expectations
- Consistent acknowledgment of students′ mastery of expectations
- Systematic use of consequences for problem behavior
This user-friendly text makes the principles of PW/SW-PBS easy to apply for educators who are committed to helping young students establish positive behavioral habits that will make learning a joy for all.
About the Authors
1. A Proactive Approach to Behavior Management
The Importance of Understanding Students′ Past Learning Experiences
Recommendations From the Field
Programwide/Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support
Continuum of Supports and Key Features
Support for PW/SW-PBS
Text Overview
2. Supporting Systems Change
Creating a Statewide, Districtwide, or Programwide System
Getting Started
Building Capacity at the School/Program Level
3. Team Leadership
Forming a PW/SW-PBS Team
Initial Planning Efforts
Determining Priorities and Time Frames
Assigning Roles and Running Effective Meetings
Determining Data Collection Needs
Professional Development
Promoting PW/SW-PBS to Staff and Families
4. Teach Behavioral Expectations
Choose Behavior Expectations
Determine Behaviors That Represent Expectations
Develop Matrix to Support Common Language
Teach Each Social Behavior
5. Support Appropriate Behavior
Strategies to Increase Use of Taught Behavioral Expectations
Strategies to Build Fluency and Maintain Appropriate Behavior
6. Corrective Consequences
Defining and Consistently Responding to Problem Behavior
Documentation of Problem Behavior
Using Corrective Consequences
Additional Considerations
Determining Different Consequences for Unique Needs
7. Data-Based Decision Making
Designing a Plan for Data Collection
SW-PBS Decision Making
8. Building Foundations for Small-Group and Individual Supports
Universals Firmly in Place
Systems to Establish Small Group/Targeted Supports
Small-Group/Targeted Strategies
Intensive/Individual Student Supports
Nanci Johnson is currently a Positive Behavior Support Facilitator for the Columbia Public Schools. She previously worked as part of the Missouri Positive Behavior Support initiative, collaborating to develop state training materials, conducting school based research and providingconsultation both in and out of the state. Nanci has taught parenting education, pre-school, kindergarten, first grade, as well as college level coursework. She has special interest in systems based school change, development of communities of practice to support effective instructional practices, and instructional leadership.