Drawing together a mix of internationally renown contributors, Social Policy Review 28 provides an up-to-date and diverse review of the best in social policy scholarship.
With specially commissioned reviews of pensions, health care, conditionality and housing this book examines important debates in the field. A themed section on personalised budgets examines the introduction and consequences of personalisation of funding from the perspectives of the UK, Australia and Norway and considers the impact of such funding on vulnerable groups such as the elderly and the homeless.
Published in association with the SPA this comprehensive discussion and analysis of the current state of social policy will be of keen interest to academics and students.
Part One: Continuities and change in UK social policy;
Behaviour, Choice, and British Pension Policy ~ Gordon L Clark;
Coalition Health Policy: A Game of Two Halves or the Final Whistle for the NHS? ~ Martin Powell;
Citizenship, conduct and conditionality: sanction and support in the 21st century UK welfare state ~ Peter Dwyer;
Housing policy in the austerity age and beyond ~ Mark Stephens and Adam Stephenson;
Part Two: Contributions from the Social Policy Association Conference 2015;
‘Progressive’ Neo-Liberal Conservatism and the Welfare State: Incremental Reform or Long-Term Destruction? ~ Robert M. Page;
‘There are quite a lot of people faking [it], the government has got to do something really’: exploring out-of-work benefit claimants’ attitudes towards welfare reform and conditionality ~ Ruth Patrick;
The Troubled Families Programme: in, for and against the state? ~ Stephen Crossley;
What counts as ‘counter-conduct’? A governmental analysis of resistance in the face of compulsory community care ~ Hannah Jobling;
Part Three: Individualised budgets in social policy;
Social insurance for individualised disability support – implementing the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) ~ Christiane Purcal, Karen R Fisher and Ariella Meltzer;
Right time, right place? The experiences of rough sleepers and practitioners in the receipt and delivery of personalised budgets ~ Philip Brown;
Personal health budgets: Implementation and outcomes ~ Karen Jones, Julien Forder, James Caiels, Elizabeth Welch and Karen Windle;
Personalised care funding in Norway – a case of gradual co-production ~ Karen Christensen;
Individualised funding for older people and the ethic of care ~ Philippa Locke and Karen West.
Catherine Needham is Professor of Public Policy and Public Management at the University of Birmingham. She is based at the Health Services Management Centre, developing research around social care and new approaches to public service workforce development.