This fun, suspense novel follows the characters from Paradox at Pebble Beach as they cope with newfound wealth and attempt to become members at exclusive Cypress Point golf club. Golf-loving driving range attendant at Pebble Beach golf course Walter “Chipper” Blair continues his romance with beautiful teaching pro Jenny Nelson. A trip to Scotland reveals that reclusive very wealthy Scotsman Ben Morris was not who they thought he was and Chipper’s fortune is in jeopardy. Events spiral out of control for Chipper and Jenny as they enrage the rich Hasting’s family of the Del Monte Forest. Jenny befriends members of the local college golf team and Steven Hastings runs wild. Is he capable of murder? Will they become members at Cypress Point? The reader will enjoy this fun golf related suspense novel. You will be immersed in the lifestyles of the rich and famous in this beautiful area; all the favorite haunts and restaurants. Great golf. Intrigue and mystery. Nothing is as it seems in Confusion at Cypress Point.
Michael Dove is an author, columnist, and community influencer in Monterey County, California. He played NCAA Division 1 golf at the University of California at Berkeley where he also earned BA and MBA degrees. He is a scratch golfer and nationally ranked runner. He has won a national Jefferson Award for his community volunteer service.