This volume is the umbilical offshoot of its ‘mother book’, Science and the Soul. Both are truly original works. We begin by linking with the latter. Then, using facts from palaeoanthropology, biology (classical and molecular), information theory, design theory and philosophy, A Mutant Ape? assesses the two main interpretations of your human origin.
The simple difference between these interpretations is identified. So also are the differences between man and ape. ...
1. For Starters
2. Troublesome Irrationality
3. Skew
4. Imperative
5. Cartoons
6. The Imperative of Law
7. Racism, Slavery and All That
8. An Instructiv...
M.A. (Oxon) in Classics: B.A. (Open University) Science. Humanities and Science Teacher (with emphasis on Biology). The author has lived practically his whole life ...