To deny water is to deny life.
Gonna Trouble the Water considers the sacred nature of water and the ways in which it is weaponized against non-white communities. With compelling contributions from scholars and activists, politicians and theologians, Gonna Trouble the Water de-centers the concept of water as a commodity in order to center the dignity of water and its life-giving character. Firmly grounded at the intersection of environmentalism and racism, ‘Gonna Trouble the Water’ makes clear the message: to deny water is to deny life.
With compelling contributions from scholars and activists, politicians and theologians—including former Colorado governor Bill Ritter, global academic law professor Ved P. Nanda, Detroit-based activist Michelle Andrea Martinez, and many more—Gonna Trouble the Water de-centers the concept of water as a commodity in order to center the dignity of water and its life-giving character.
Bill Ritter was the 41st governor of Colorado, who previously served as the district attorney of Denver (1993–2005). During his four-year term as governor, he established Colorado as a national and international leader in clean energy by building a New Energy Economy. After leaving the Governor’s Office, he founded the Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University, which works with state and federal policymakers to create clean energy policy throughout the country.