Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2022 in the subject Communications – Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Social Media, Harvard University, course: MGT301, language: English, abstract: For this study, the research question is: What impact do different marketing strategies have on customer behavior in online shopping in UK?
Marketing plays a key role in determining the consumer needs and wants for the demand of specific product. Organizations tend to conduct thorough marketing strategies so that they would know what is required by the customer and make products according to it. In such a competitive environment, it become significant for organizations to understand the behavior of their consumer. That is why; they undergo extensive marketing strategies so as to better understand the actual behavior of consumer towards a specific product. Therefore, the focus of this study is to understand what impact do different marketing strategies have on consumer specifically with regard to online shopping. In online shopping, organizations give adequate consideration to determine the consumer behavior by designing different marketing strategies. On the other hand, previous studies pertaining to online shopping were less focused on determining the impact of marketing strategies on customer behavior in online shopping. Therefore, this study focuses on what impact does different marketing strategies have on behaviors of online customers.
Nashra was born with an insatiable curiosity that led her on an extraordinary journey of knowledge and discovery. From a young age, she exhibited a natural inclination towards understanding the world around her, always asking probing questions and seeking answers beyond the surface. This unyielding thirst for knowledge eventually propelled her towards a remarkable career as a dedicated researcher. Growing up, Nashra's inquisitive nature was nurtured by her supportive family and teachers, who recognized her intellectual potential. She was encouraged to explore various fields of study, and she eagerly delved into subjects such as physics, biology, and mathematics. Fascinated by the mysteries of the natural world, Nashra found herself particularly drawn to the realm of business research.