This anthology brings together chapters from astronomers, historians and writers who are inspired by the sky, and who originally gathered at the conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena at London’s Gresham College in 2015. Its topics range from the representation and exploration of the sky in the arts, architecture and literature, and from the ancient world to the digital age.
Nicholas Campion and Chris Impey
A Cosmic Perspective: Four Centuries of Expanding Horizons
Lord Rees of Ludlow
A Cosmic Perspective: A Panel Discussion with the Gresham Professors of Astronomy
Lord Rees of Ludlow, Ian Morison, Carolin Crawford, Michael Rowan-Robinson and Andrew Fabian
Dreams of Distant Worlds
Chris Impey
Memories Unlocked and Places Explored: Stellarium, Temporality and Skyscapes
Daniel Brown
The Oculus Rift Planetarium Project: Starsight VR
Alastair G. Bruce
Adventures in Space: Harmony, Sustainability and Environmental Ethics
Nicholas Campion
Condensing from a Fluid Haze: John Pringle Nichol, the Nebular Hypothesis and Nineteenth-century Cosmogony
Howard Carlton
Galileo Galilei’s Memorial Tomb in Santa Croce: An Honorific Monument to a Florentine Genius
Liana De Girolami Cheney
Mars and the Mediums
Clive Davenhall
A Cosmic End and its Anthropomorphic and Theological Implications
José G. Funes, S.J.
The Photographic Plate Archive as an Inspiration for Art Projects
Michael Geffert
‘Dancing with the Stars’: Astronomy and Music in the Torres Strait
Duane W. Hamacher, Alo Tapim, Segar Passi and John Barsa
East Meets West: Shi Zhiying’s Picturing of Italo Calvino’s Mr. Palomar
John Hatch
‘Life is Astronomical’: Connecting Art, Astronomy & Photography at Royal Museums Greenwich
Marek Kukula and Melanie Vandenbrouck
The Zodiacal Light and its Use in Cultic Practice
George Latura
The Cosmos As Viewed Through the Lens of a Native-American Astronomer-Artist
Annette S. Lee
Christ and the Celestial Sphere: A Unique Mosaic in Saint Isaac’s Cathedral?
Michael Mendillo and Ethan Pollock
A Self-Portrait by Galileo?
Paolo Molaro
Einstein, Galileo, and Kepler: The Scientist Portrait Operas of Philip Glass
David Morgan
John Bevis’s Eighteenth-century Uranographia Britannica and the Atlas Celeste: Oft-Overlooked Treasures
Jay M. Pasachoff and Kevin J. Kilburn
Sir Christopher Wren: Architect-Astronomer
Valerie Shrimplin
Junking Astronomy Jargon
Roberto Trotta
Solargraphy: Making the Invisible Visible
Tarja Trygg
Citizen Science on the iss: STE[+a]M It Up! Preliminary Results of a Storytelling Experiment Using Biosensors
Elizabeth Forbes Wallace
Balla’s ‘Mercury Passing Before the Sun’ and the Modernist Sun
Gary Wells
About the Contributors