More Magic of Metaphor explores the notion of leadership in its widest sense. Whether you lead in business, education, coaching, sports, health, parenting, or any other context this book offers insights into the many aspects of this complex, fascinating, and demanding role that we are all, from time to time, called upon to fulfil.
What are we called to do in our lives and how can we discover and express our personal and professional genius and purpose? Not easy questions but Nick has been struggling with and exploring them for himself and with others through his writing, editing, and storytelling, as well as in workshops, seminars and coaching sessions with individuals, educational institutions, professional bodies, organisations, and the arts for the last several decades. These days his primary professional passions catalyse around two areas. Firstly, the development of shared narratives that explore how schools, NGOs, and large organisations would do well to be more fully human, more self-organising and self-managing and less stuck in the old paradigms of autocracy, hierarchy, ego, power and control. Secondly, how can people entering the Third Act of their lives see their future less as a surrender into retirement and more as an opportunity to transition into a generative and creative period of contribution and personal exploration of their life’s true purpose? In a whole variety of exciting ways, these two areas are both evolutionary and deeply interconnected.