Mariusz S. Ziółkowski is an Archaeologist and ethnohistorian. He is the Director of the Centre for Andean Studies at the University of Warsaw, Poland, Extraordinary Professor at the Catholic University “Santa Maria” of Arequipa, Peru. He is specialised in archaeology and Inca ethnohistory, absolute dating techniques, archaeoastronomy. He participated in archaeological works e.g. in Poland, Iraq, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia. He is the Director of the Condesuyos Archaeological Project (Arequipa) and of the “Satellite Sites of Machu Picchu” project. Author of, among others : “Pacha unanchan. The Metropolitan Calendar of the Inca State”, 2015; (with Jan Szemiński) “Myths, Rituals and Politics of the Incas”. 2018 ; “The Iconography and Use of Inca and Colonial Drinking Vessels”, [in] The Oxford Handbook of the Incas, ed. by Sonia Alconini, R. Alan Covey, Oxford University Press, 2018; and others.
Nicola Masini is a Research Director of CNR, Deputy Director of CNR-Institute of Heritage Science (ISPC). At the University of Basilicata, he teaches Restoration Fundamentals at the Degree Course in Architecture, Ancient Construction Techniques and Archaeological Restoration at the Master of Specialization in Archeology. He is also a member of the Doctoral School “Cities and Landscapes: Architecture, Archaeology”. He is Co-Editor in Chief and co-founder of the journal “Heritage”. Since 2008 he has been the Director of Scientific Mission of CNR ITACA-Peru and directed projects and scientific campaigns in Peru (Nasca, Cahuachi, Pachacamac, Ventarron, Machu Picchu, Chankillo), Bolivia (Tiwanaku), Colombia (Cartagenas de indias).His dominant scientific interests are focused on the development and application of remote sensing based methods for archaeological research, landscape archeology, cultural heritage risk analysis and conservation; and the study of the dynamics of human attendance and environmental changes in pre-Hispanic civilizations. Heauthored and coauthored about 400 publications, including papers in international journals, chapters and books. He has received several awards and recognitions among which the American Library Association”s Choice Magazine Award as “Outstanding Academic Title” for 2017 for the volume “Ancient Nasca World. New Insights from Science and Archeology” (Springerv 2017) and President”s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) of the Chinese Academy of Science in 2016.
José M. Bastante is an Archaeologist with completed studies in Cultural Heritage Management Master and in Social Sciences Ph D specialising in History from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Member of institutions such as the College of Archaeologists of Peru and the American Society of Archaeology. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Icomos Peru Association and has published extensively on the archaeology and history of Machu Picchu. He has given courses and participatedin academic events in Peru and in other countries, such as the United States, Mexico, Poland, Ecuador, Indonesia and Italy. In 2013, he was appointed director of the Archaeological and Interdisciplinary Research Programme at the Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary and, since 2019, he is also the head of the Machu Picchu National Archaeological Park, where he has been implementing a new model of sustainable integrated management based on the conservation of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property.
5 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Nicola Masini
Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis & Kyriacos Themistocleous: Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Landscapes
This book investigates the added value that satellite technologies and remote sensing could provide for a more sustainable mapping, monitoring and management of heritage sites, be it for purposes of …
Rosa Lasaponara & Nicola Masini: The Ancient Nasca World
This book presents outstanding chapter contributions on the Nasca culture in a variety of artistic expressions such as architecture, geoglyphs, ceramics, music, and textiles. The approach, based on t …
Nicola Masini & Francesco Soldovieri: Sensing the Past
This book provides a complete overview of novel and state of art sensing technologies and geotechnologies relevant to support management and conservation of CH sites, monuments and works of art. The …
Rosa Lasaponara & Nicola Masini: Satellite Remote Sensing
This book provides a state-of-the art overview of satellite archaeology and it is an invaluable volume for archaeologists, scientists, and managers interested in using satellite Earth Observation (EO …
Mariusz Ziółkowski & Nicola Masini: Machu Picchu in Context
This book aims at integrating archaeology with science in order to provide additional information with respect to a traditional archaeological anthropological perspective. It sheds light on Incan cul …