An analysis of the production and consumption of the communications of Make Poverty History , a high profile episode of social movement protest in the UK. The book follows the campaign throughout its lifetime and explores how attitudes towards government and political opportunities influenced the negotiation of communications.
PART I: INTRODUCTION Introduction A Short History of Make Poverty History PART II: THE PRODUCTION OF MAKE POVERTY HISTORY’S COMMUNICATIONS Make Poverty History as Brand The Tension between Marketing and Campaigning Radical Outsiders, Moderate Insiders PART III: THE CONSUMPTION OF MAKE POVERTY HISTORY’S COMMUNICATIONS Collective Beliefs on Global Poverty Audiences and the Economic Justice Frame Why People Attended the G8 Rally Celebrities and the Construction of Communications Conclusion
NICOLAS SIREAU started as a financial journalist before moving into charity communications and fundraising. After being Director for Communications for international development agency Progressio, he moved to his current position as founding director of Solar Aid, a new and fast growing NGO that uses solar power to fight poverty and climate change.