Nikil Mukerji is a researcher in philosophy at the Chair of Political Theory and Philosophy at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and currently serves as academic director of the executive master’s degree programme Philosophie Politik Wirtschaft (PPW) also at LMU. He studied business administration, economics, philosophy, logic and scientific theory in Munich (Germany), Aberdeen (UK) and Auckland (NZ). His research and teaching interests comprise practical philosophy and particularly ethics, the philosophy of economics, practical logic and argumentation theory as well as experimental philosophy. As a self-employed trainer, coach and consultant with the Institut für Argumentation (Munich) he furthermore specializes in the application of philosophical ideas in the business world and everyday life.
Christoph Luetge holds the Peter Loescher Endowed Chair of Business Ethics at Technical University of Munich. He studied businessinformatics as well as philosophy, obtaining his doctorate in 1999 and his habilitation in 2005 at the University of Munich. He was visiting researcher in Pittsburgh and San Diego. Luetge taught business ethics at the Universities of Munich, Witten and Braunschweig before moving to Technical University of Munich in 2010. He held visiting professorships in Taipei, Kyoto and Venice and was awarded a Heisenberg Fellowship by the German Research Foundation in 2007.
6 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Nikil Mukerji
Nikil Mukerji: Experimental Philosophy
Over the past one and a half decades, the scope of experimental philosophy (x-phi) has expanded significantly. Experimental research programmes now cover almost all areas of philosophy, including epi …
Christoph Luetge & Nikil Mukerji: Order Ethics: An Ethical Framework for the Social Market Economy
This book examines the theoretical foundations of order ethics and discusses business ethics problems from an order ethics perspective. Order ethics focuses on the social order and the institutional …
Nikil Mukerji: The Case Against Consequentialism Reconsidered
This book argues that critics of consequentialism have not been able to make a successful and comprehensive case against all versions of consequentialism because they have been using the wr …
Nikil Mukerji: Die 10 Gebote des gesunden Menschenverstands
Klar und vernünftig denken – eine praktische Anleitung Dieses Buch erklärt anschaulich und lebensnah die zentralen Grundsätze vernünftigen Denkens – die 10 Gebote des gesunden Menschenverstand …
Adriano Mannino & Nikil Mukerji: Covid-19: Was in der Krise zählt. Über Philosophie in Echtzeit. [Was bedeutet das alles?]
Was tun, wenn existenzielle Entscheidungen ohne sichere Datengrundlage und in größter Eile zu treffen sind? Auch Experten sind vor Denkfehlern nicht gefeit. Hier kann ‘Philosophie in Echtzeit’ helfen …
Judith Jarvis Thomson: The Trolley Problem / Das Trolley-Problem. Englisch/Deutsch. [Great Papers Philosophie]
Ein unscheinbarer Aufsatz mit dem Titel ‘The Trolley Problem’ aus dem Jahr 1985 beschäftigt uns bis heute: Angenommen, ein Mensch muss sich entscheiden, ob er eine Straßenbahn (‘Trolley’) geradeaus f …