Dr. Nils Herger is a lecturer at the Study Center Gerzensee – the research and training center of the Swiss National Bank. His main responsibility is to organize a course program for central bankers, which is attended by participants from all over the world and enjoys an excellent international reputation. Nils Herger also teaches monetary policy and macroeconomic topics at the University of Bern. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Exeter.
5 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Nils Herger
Nils Herger: Understanding Central Banks
Issues related to central banks feature regularly in economic news coverage, and in times of economic or financial crisis, especially when a commercial bank is bailed out, they become the focus of th …
Nils Herger: Wie funktionieren Zentralbanken?
Zentralbanken stehen mehr denn je im Zentrum des öffentlichen Interesses. Beim Auftreten von Wirtschaftskrisen, bei Turbulenzen im Währungssystem oder gar bei „finanziellen Rettungsaktionen“ für ganz …
Panagiotis Delimatsis & Nils Herger: Financial Regulation at the Crossroads
This book brings outstanding expertise and provides insightful perspectives from nineteen authors with diverse backgrounds, including officials from international organizations, national regulators, …
Panagiotis Delimatsis & Nils Herger: Financial Regulation at the Crossroads
To gain from trade, modern economies rely on a stable financial system. In many countries around the world, the benefits of finance are taken for granted. Financial stability comes to the forefront o …
Nils Herger: Switzerland and its Banks
This book provides a history of Swiss banking not confined to stereotypical opinions about secret numbered accounts. Instead, the presented history covers other intriguing events and developments bey …