Unter den Autorinnen sind Yaraslava Ananka | Tania Arcimovich | Simone Brunner | Vera Burlak | Julia Cimafiejeva | Maria Davydchik | Olga Dryndova | Volha Hapeyeva | Iryna Herasimovich | Volha Hronskaja | Gun-Britt Kohler | Hanna Komar | Lizaveta Mikhalchuk | Maryna Rakhlei | Marina Scharlaj | Elke Schmitter | Tatiana Shchyttsova | Diana Siebert | Antonina Slobodchikova | Julia Smirnova | Irina Solomatina | Olga Shparaga | Hanna Stähle – herausgegegen von Andreas Rostek | Nina Weller | Thomas Weiler | Tina Wünschmann.
5 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Nina Weller
Andreas Rostek & Nina Weller: BELARUS!
Revolution heißt: Nichts mehr ist danach wie früher. Das kann man schon jetzt von den Verhältnissen in Belarus sagen – wie auch immer der Aufstand ausgehen mag, Belarus hat ein neues Gesicht präsenti …
Matthias Schwartz & Nina Weller: After Memory
Even seventy-five years after the end of World War II, the commemorative cultures surrounding the War and the Holocaust in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe are anything but fixed. The fierce …
Matthias Schwartz & Nina Weller: Appropriating History
Popular media play an important role in reconstructing collective imaginations of history. Dramatic events and ruptures of the 20th century provide the material for playful as well as neo-imperialist …
Matthias Schwartz & Nina Weller: After Memory
Even seventy-five years after the end of World War II, the commemorative cultures surrounding the War and the Holocaust in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe are anything but fixed. The fierce …