Norbert Müller: is Professor in Landscape Management and Restoration Ecology at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Germany. He received a Diploma in Landscape Architecture from the Technical University Munich, a Ph.D. and a post doctoral lecture qualification in Vegetation Ecology from the Technical University Berlin (Prof. Dr. Herbert Sukopp). He worked for 20 years in nature conservation research at the City Government Augsburg, Germany, with special emphasis in urban ecology, plant diversity, restoration ecology and ecological design. As an Associated Professor at the Yokohama National University, Japan he started between 1996 and 1997 the first urban biotope mapping in Tokyo. Current urban biodiversity studies he did in cities of South Africa (together with Sarel Cilliers), Italy, the United States and Germany. Since 2004 he compiles research projects on implementing the CBD in urban areas. Besides urban ecosystems natural disturbed ecosystems are another field of his interests, where he did numerous studies in the ecology of floodplain vegetation and the biology of key and invasive species. He serves in several advisory boards for nature conservation and is foundation member of the Competence Network Urban Ecology (CONTUREC).
David Knight is the Team Leader for Biodiversity, Plants and Fungi with Natural England. David has worked for more than twenty years in biodiversity and nature conservation in England, particularly in urban areas. His experience ranges from the reclamation of colliery tips and derelict land to influencing policy for the conservation or urban biodiversity. David gained “hands-on” experience from work in protecting and managing urban habitats with local government. He also worked on a major urban forestry project in West Yorkshire, the White Rose Forest, before going on to join English Nature as their Urban Adviser. This included acting as Executive Editor for the magazine “Urbio”. More recently David has been involved in commissioning research into the biodiversity of urban domestic gardens, developing a performance indicator on biodiversity for local government in England and getting recognition for the value of open mosaic habitats on previously developed land in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.
Peter Werner is senior researcher at the Institute for Housing and Environment in Darmstadt, Germany. He started his scientific career with a research project about the ecological importance of industrial wastelands in the city of Berlin in the years 1981 to 1983. Also, at this time Professor Herbert Sukopp and Peter Werner wrote the review “Nature in Cities” published by the European Council. Since 1983 he works at the Institute for Housing and Environment and his main research area is urban ecology in the widest sense including urban sustainable development. He was editor of several bibliographies and planning guides concerning urban ecology and published numerous papers in the area of urban nature and ecological development. In 2005 he founded together with other German scientists the competence network urban ecology CONTUREC, since then he is the executive secretary of CONTUREC.
20 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Norbert Muller
John G. Kelcey & Norbert Müller: Plants and Habitats of European Cities
A collection of studies on the ecologies of European cities, including Paris, Zurich, and Amsterdam among others. Discussion includes the natural and historical development of each city, local flora, …
P. Werner & Norbert Muller: Urban Biodiversity and Design
With the continual growth of the world’s urban population, biodiversity in towns and cities will play a critical role in global biodiversity. This is the first book to provide an overview of internat …
Hans-Jürgen Möller & Norbert Müller: Aktuelle Aspekte der Pathogenese und Therapie der Schizophrenie
Am 7. November 1904 wurde der Neubau der „Königlich-Psychiatrischen K- nik in München“ von E. Kraepelin als eigenständige Psychiatrische Univer- tätsklinik feierlich eröffnet. Vom 4. bis 6. November …
Hans-Jürgen Möller & Norbert Müller: Schizophrenie – Zukunftsperspektiven in Klinik und Forschung
Führende Experten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum geben einen Überblick über die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse aus Klinik, Neurobiologie und Psychotherapie der Schizophrenie. Neben aktuellen Therapiek …
Norbert Müller & Aye-Mu Myint: Immunology and Psychiatry
Psychiatric disorders are one of the most dramatic burdens for humankind. The role of immune dysfunction in the pathophysiology of these disorders has emerged during the last years, because there has …
Hanns Hippius & Hans-Jürgen Möller: The University Department of Psychiatry in Munich
This book first appeared in Germany in 2004. In response to the great amount of interest in the book expressed by colleagues from all over the world, we subsequently decided to produce this English v …
Manfred Nagl & Hans-Joachim Bargstädt: Zukunft Ingenieurwissenschaften – Zukunft Deutschland
Die Ingenieurwissenschaften sind von überragender Bedeutung für den Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftsstandort Deutschland. Deutsche Ingenieure sind überall auf der Welt geachtet, ihre Leistungen begründ …
Norbert Müller: Strategien im Corporate Real Estate Management
Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL – Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 2, 0, AKAD, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Gegensatz zu den Unternehmensressourcen Kapital, A …
Perunthiruthy K. Madhu & Norbert Muller: Current Developments in Solid State NMR Spectroscopy
Why to apply solid-state NMR? – By now, we should have learned that NMR is mainly used for the study of molecules in solution, while x-ray diffraction is the method of choice for solids. Based on thi …
Norbert Muller: Psychiatry, Psychoimmunology, and Viruses
This volume contains the contributions to the "3rd Expert Meeting in Psychoneuroimmunology", held in Munich, Germany in autumn 1997. Clinical psychiatrists, neuroscientists and researchers …
Hans-Jurgen Moller & Norbert Muller: Schizophrenie — Moderne Konzepte zu Diagnostik, Pathogenese und Therapie
Das Buch umfasst alle Aspekte des komplexen Krankheitsbildes der Schizophrenie und richtet sich an in Praxis und Klinik tätige Nervenärzte, Psychiater, Psychotherapeuten sowie an andere Berufsgruppen …
Dikaia Chatziefstathiou & Norbert Mueller: Olympism, Olympic Education and Learning Legacies
This book is largely a collection of the papers presented at the symposium Olympism, Olympic Education and Learning Legacies, organised by the Comite Internationale Pierre de Coubertin (CIPC). It was …
Norbert Müller: Wohnungseigentümer- Freiwild für Verwalter?
Der Autor vermittelt nicht nur einen tiefen Einblick in den Bereich des Wohnungseigentums, mit allen seinen teils negativen Facetten, sondern auch in unser Rechtssystem, mit seinen Stärken und Schwäc …
Norbert Müller: Kein Rentner-Blues in Wuppertal
‘Kein Rentner-Blues in Wuppertal’ ist nach – Wohnungseigentümer – Freiwild für Verwalter? das zweite Buch des Autors. Sein Erstlingswerk ist im Stile eines Wirtschaftskrimis geschrieben. Der Medien- …