ผู้เขียน: Norman Schofield

Norman Schofield is Director of the Center in Political Economy, the William R. Taussig Professor of Political Economy, and Professor in the Departments of Economics and Political Science. He is currently working on topics in the theory of social choice, political economy, and democracy. In 2003-4 he was the Fulbright distinguished professor at Humboldt University in Berlin, and has recently held fellowships at ICER in Turin, and at the Hoover Institution at Stanford. In Spring 2008 he was the visiting Leitner Professor at Yale University. His earlier books include Multiparty Government (with Michael Laver, in 1990), Social Choice and Democracy (1985), and three co-edited volumes: Political Economy: Institutions, Information, and Representation (1993) , and Social Choice, Welfare and Ethics (1995), (both with Cambridge University Press), and Collective Decision Making (Kluwer, 1996). His more recent books include Mathematical Methods in Economics and Social Choice ( Springer in 2003). Architects of Political Change (2006), Multiparty Democracy (with Itai Sened, 2006), both with Cambridge University Press, The Spatial Model of Politics (Routledge, 2008), and The Political Economy of Democracy and Tyranny (Oldenbourg. 2009). His book on Leadership or Chaos, with Gallego,  includes analyses of elections in Britain, Canada, the US, Turkey, and Russia, and is in press with Springer.  A co-edited volume with Caballero is also in press with Springer.  He has been the recipient of a number of NSF awards, most recently one on electoral politics and regime change. Maria Gallego is an associate professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Canada. Gallego has been concerned with leadership accountability in political economy situations and how the strategic interactions between political and economic agents determine policy outcomes. Using resultsfrom her empirical study of leadership transitions (Canadian Journal of Economics, 1996, and Economics and Politics, 1998) she then developed with Carolyn Pitchik an economic theory of leadership transition (Journal of Public Economics 2004). With Cressman she extended Nash”s bargaining model to allow agents to have single peaked rather than increasing preferences over the policy space (Mathematical Social Science 2009). With Scoones she applied this theory to intergovernmental negotiations (Social Choice and Welfare, 2011). More recently, Gallego joined the research project with Schofield and has participated in studying individual elections in various countries. She and Schofield ran a workshop on the Political Economy of Bargaining in April 2008. With Schofield and Kilgour, they co-edited a Special Issue of Social Choice and Welfare on the Political Economy of Elections and Bargaining. Some of the work with Schofield is included in the book on Leadership or Chaos. The book is in press with Springer. Gallego has also visited the Toulouse School of Economics and the Center in Political Economy at Washington University in St. Louis.

15 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Norman Schofield

Norman Schofield & Gonzalo Caballero: The Political Economy of Governance
Understanding the governance of nations is a key challenge in contemporaneous political economy. This book provides new advances and the latest research in the field of political economy, dealing wit …
Maria Gallego & Norman Schofield: The Political Economy of Social Choices
This book presents state-of-the-art research in political economy dealing with the decision making process under different political institutions. It focuses on the role that states and governments h …
Norman Schofield & Gonzalo Caballero: State, Institutions and Democracy
This book presents a set of original and innovative contributions on state, institutions and democracy in the field of political economy. Modern political economy has implied the interaction between …
Norman Schofield & Maria Gallego: Leadership or Chaos
Combining elements of economic reasoning and political science has proven to be very useful for understanding the broad variation in economic development around the world. In a sense research in this …
Norman Schofield & Gonzalo Caballero: Political Economy of Institutions, Democracy and Voting
This book presents the latest research  in the field of Political Economy, dealing with the integration of economics and politics and the way institutions affect social decisions. The authors ar …
Norman Schofield & Gonzalo Caballero: Advances in Political Economy
This book presents latest research in the field of Political Economy, dealing with the integration of economics and politics and the way institutions affect social decisions. The focus is on innovati …
norman schofield: Mathematical Methods in Economics and Social Choice
In recent years, the usual optimization techniques, which have proved so useful in microeconomic theory, have been extended to incorporate more powerful topological and differential methods, and thes …
Norman Schofield: Architects of Political Change
Norman Schofield & Itai Sened: Multiparty Democracy
Norman (Washington University of St Louis, USA) Schofield: The Spatial Model of Politics
Using unique and cutting-edge research, Schofield a prominent author in the US for a number of years, explores the growth area of positive political economy within economics and politics. The first b …
Norman (Washington University of St Louis, USA) Schofield: The Spatial Model of Politics
Using unique and cutting-edge research, Schofield a prominent author in the US for a number of years, explores the growth area of positive political economy within economics and politics. The first b …
Norman Schofield: Mathematical Methods in Economics
Originally published in 1984. Since the logic underlying economic theory can only be grasped fully by a thorough understanding of the mathematics, this book will be invaluable to economists wishing t …
Norman Schofield: Mathematical Methods in Economics
Originally published in 1984. Since the logic underlying economic theory can only be grasped fully by a thorough understanding of the mathematics, this book will be invaluable to economists wishing t …
Norman Schofield: Social Choice and Democracy
The mathematical theory of voting has intellectual roots extending back two centuries to the writings of Borda and Condorcet. Yet it has only been in the last forty years that general theorems have b …
Norman Schofield: Collective Decision-Making:
In the last decade the techniques of social choice theory, game theory and positive political theory have been combined in interesting ways so as to pro- vide a common framework for analyzing the beh …