This volume contains a solid body of the current state of knowledge on the various themes and activities in agroforestry worldwide. It is organized into three sections: the Introduction section consists of the summaries of six keynote speeches at the 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2009; that is followed by two sections of peer-reviewed thematic chapters grouped as “Global Perspectives” (seven chapters) and “Regional Perspectives” (eleven chapters), authored by professional leaders in their respective agroforestry-related fields worldwide. A total of 130 professionals from institutions in 33 countries in both developing and the industrialized temperate regions of the world contributed to the book as chapter authors and/or reviewers. Thus, the book presents a comprehensive and authoritative account of the global picture of agroforestry today.
Preface.- List of Authors.- List of Reviewers.- Section I. INTRODUCTION.- Keynote Presentations at WCA2.- Agroforestry, climate change, and habitat protection.- Agroforestry for an ever-green revolution Environmental resilience and agroforestry.- Climate change and agroforestry.- Agroforestry and the transition to the future.- Agroforestry and the future of global land use.- Section II. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES Based on WCA2 Symposia.- Climate-change mitigation: A low-hanging fruit of agroforestry.- Segregate or integrate for multifunctionality: landscape agroforestry involving rubber in Indonesia and China.- Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation through agroforestry and ecosystem conservation.- High-carbon-stock rural development pathways in Asia and Africa: Improved land management for climate change mitigation.- Tree domestication in agroforestry: Progress in the second decade (2003–2012).- Policy support for large-scale adoption of agroforestry practices: Experience from Africa and Asia.- Multifunctional Agriculture and opportunities for agroforestry – Implications of IAASTD.- Section III. REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES.- The future of temperate agroforestry in the United States.- Agroforestry research and development in Canada.- Past, present, and future of agroforestry in Europe.- Agroforestry for mine-land reclamation in Germany: Capitalizing on carbon sequestration and bioenergy production.- The Satoyama landscape of Japan: The future of an indigenous agricultural system in an industrialized society.- South Asian agroforestry: traditions, transformations, and prospects.- Agroforestry in the Amazon region: A pathway for balancing conservation and development.- Mainstreaming agroforestry in Latin America.- Land health surveillance: Mapping soil carbon in Kenyan rangelands.- Gender and agroforestry in Africa: Who benefits? – An African perspective.- Incentive mechanisms for smallholder agroforestry: Opportunities and challenges in the Philippines.- Agroforestry – The Way Forward.- Subject Index.