This text comprises a selection of papers that provide state of the art insights into bank performance, risk and firm financing post crisis that were presented at the European Association of University Teachers of Banking and Finance Conference (otherwise known as the Wolpertinger Conference) held at Bangor University, Wales, 2010.
Introduction; P.Molyneux Bank Size, Market Power and Financial Stability; J.Maudos & Guevara Bank Risk and Analyst Forecasts; M.Anolli & E.Beccalli Foreign Banks in Central Eastern Europe: Impact of Foreign Governance on Bank Performance; E.Miklaszewska & K.Mikolajczyk Financial Crisis and Bank Profitability; T. Lindblom, M.Olsson & M.Willesson Asset-backed Securitization and Financial Stability: The Downgrading Delay Effect; M.La Torre & F.Mango A Revenue-Based Frontier Measure of Banking Competition; S.Carbó, D.Humphrey & F.Rodríguez Regulation and Bank Performance in Europe; G.E.Chortareas, C.Girardone & A.Ventouri The Italian Popular Banks and Their Behaviour After the Recent Financial Crisis; P.Morelli & E.Seghezza Access to Equity for New, Innovative Companies in Italy; L.Canovi, E.Gualandri & V.Venturelli Can R&D Expenditures Affect Firm Market Value? An Empirical Analysis of a Panel of European Listed Firms; A.Duqi & G.Torluccio Value Creation of Internationalization Strategies of Italian Medium-sized Listed Firms; O.Morresi & A.Pezzi Managers’ Capital Structure Decisions – The Pecking Order Puzzle; T.Lindblom, G.Sandahl & S.Sjögren
MARIO ANOLLI Full Professor in Banking at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy ELENA BECCALLI Full Professor in Banking at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy LUCIANA CANOVI Lecturer in Finance at the ‘Marco Biagi’ Faculty of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy SANTIAGO CARBÓ-VALVERDE Full Professor of Economics at the University of Granada, Spain GEORGIOS CHORTAREAS Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Athens, Greece ANDI DUQI Ph.D student in Banking and Finance at the Department of Management, University of Bologna, Italy FRANCISCO RODRÍGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Granada, Spain CLAUDIA GIRARDONE Reader in Finance at the Essex Business School, University of Essex, UK ELISABETTA GUALANDRI Full Professor in Banking and Finance and co-director of the MA Course in Corporate Finance and Management Control at the ‘Marco Biagi’ Faculty of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy JUAN FERNÁNDEZ DE GUEVARA Assistant Professor at the Universitat de València, Spain DAVID HUMPHREY F.W. Smith Eminent Scholar in Banking at Florida State University, United States, and Visiting Fellow at the Payment Cards Center at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, USA MARIO LA TORRE Full Professor in Banking and Finance and Director of the MA course in Film Art Management at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy TED LINDBLOM Professor at the Department of Business Administration at the School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University, Sweden FABIOMASSIMO MANGO Lecturer in banking and finance at ‘La Sapienza’ University in Rome, Italy, Economics Faculty, Department of Banks, Insurances and Markets (now the Department of Management and Technology) JOAQUIN MAUDOS is Professor in Economic Analysis at the University of Valencia, Spain EWA MIKLASZEWSKA is Professor of Finance and Banking at Cracow Economic University, Poland, and Associate Professor of Economics at Jagiellonian University, Poland KATARZYNA MIKOLAJCZYK Assistant Professor of Finance at Cracow Economic University, Poland PIERLUIGI MORELLI Research Department of the Italian Banks Association (ABI), Italy OTTORINO MORRESI is Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Roma Tre, Italy MAGNUS OLSSON Ph.D. and a researcher at the School of Business, Economics and Law at Goteborg University, Sweden ALBERTO PEZZI Assistant Professor of Business Management at the University of Roma Tre, Italy GERT SANDAHL Senior Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration at the School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University, Sweden ELENA SEGHEZZA Lecturer of Economics at Genoa University, Italy STEFAN SJÖGREN Associate Professor/Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration at the School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University, Sweden GIUSEPPE TORLUCCIO Professor of Financial Intermediation at the School of Economics at the University of Bologna, Italy ALEXIA VENTOURI Ph.D. and a Lecturer in Financial Studies in the Department of Business and Management at Sussex University, UK VALERIA VENTURELLI (Ph.D.) Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at the ‘Marco Biagi’ Faculty of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy MAGNUS WILLESSON, Ph.D., Teacher at Linnaeus School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University, in Växjö, Sweden.