Contributors vii
Series Preface xi
Introduction xv
Acknowledgements xix
SECTION I: Deception Detection: Established Approaches
1 Verbal Lie Detection Tools: Statement...
Contributors vii
Series Preface xi
Introduction xv
Acknowledgements xix
SECTION I: Deception Detection: Established Approaches
1 Verbal Lie Detection Tools: Statement Validity Analysis,
Reality Monitoring and Scientific Content Analysis 3
Aldert Vrij
2 New Findings in Non-Verbal Lie Detection 37
Charles F. Bond, Timothy R. Levine, and Maria Hartwig
3 The Polygraph: Current Practice and New Approaches 59
Ewout H. Meijer and Bruno Verschuere
4 Forensic Application of Event-Related Brain Potentials to
Detect Guilty Knowledge 81
William G. Iacono
5 Deception Detection Using Neuroimaging 105
Giorgio Ganis
SECTION II: Current Challenges 123
6 Exploring the Nature and Origin of Beliefs about Deception:
Implicit and Explicit Knowledge among Lay People and Presumed
Experts 125
Maria Hartwig and Pär Anders Granhag
7 Discriminating between True and False Intentions 155
Erik Mac Giolla, Pär Anders Granhag, and Aldert
8 Cross-Cultural Deception Detection 175
Paul J. Taylor, Samuel Larner, Stacey M. Conchie, and Sophie van
der Zee
SECTION III: Improving Lie Detection: New Approaches
9 A Cognitive Approach to Lie Detection 205
Aldert Vrij
10 The Strategic Use of Evidence Technique: A Conceptual
Overview 231
Pär Anders Granhag and Maria Hartwig
11 Investigating Deception and Deception Detection with Brain
Stimulation Methods 253
Giorgio Ganis
12 Detecting Deception Through Reaction Times 269
Bruno Verschuere, Kristina Suchotzki, and Evelyne Debey
13 Suspects’ Verbal Counter-Interrogation Strategies:
Towards an Integrative Model 293
Pär Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig, Erik Mac Giolla, and
Franziska Clemens
14 Covert Detection of Deception 315
Eitan Elaad
Index 339