This book is an on-going recording of my soul journey toward ascension.
There are three sections: Dream, Visions and Conversations with my Angels, and lastly, Nineteen Life Lessons from an angel named O, pronounced awe.
Topics include -how a multi-dimensional world is created; -fire letters, codes of creation; -the process of creation and transformation of souls; and – light bodies and spaceships as well as others.
My Angels are Yo Weh, Black Eagle, and O as well as others without names.
The most important message from Yo Weh: The galaxy is shifting…
Patricia Ritchie has been teaching reiki, karma yoga, spiritual art, and dream interpretation for almost twenty years.
She has recorded over 500 dreams, charting her own course of soul ascension with the help of her spirit guide, Yo Weh.
She wishes to share her journey to inspire others.