Data Collection
Data Collection is the second of six books in the Measurement and
Evaluation Series from Pfeiffer. The proven ROI
Methodology–developed by the ROI Institute–provides a practical
system for evaluation planning, data collection, data analysis, and
reporting. All six books in the series offer the latest tools, most
current research, and practical advice for measuring ROI in a
variety of settings.
Data Collection offers an effective process for collecting data
that is essential to the implementation of the ROI Methodology. The
authors outline the techniques, processes, and critical issues
involved in successful data collection. The book examines the
various methods of data collection, including questionnaires,
interviews, focus groups, observation, action plans, performance
contracts, and monitoring records. Written for evaluators,
facilitators, analysts, designers, coordinators, and managers, Data
Collection is a valuable guide for collecting data that are
adequate in quantity and quality to produce a complete and credible
Patricia Pulliam Phillips is an internationally recognized
author, consultant, and president and CEO of the ROI Institute,
Inc. Phillips provides consulting services to organizations
worldwide. She helps organizations build capacity in the ROI
Methodology by facilitating the ROI certification process and
teaching the ROI Methodology through workshops and graduate-level
Cathy A. Stawarski is program manager of the Strategic
Performance Improvement and Evaluation program at the Human
Resources Research Organization (Hum RRO) in Alexandria, Virginia.
She has more than twenty-five years of experience in research,
training and development, and program evaluation. Throughout her
nearly twenty years at Hum RRO, she has worked primarily with
clients in the federal sector. Her work includes leading and
conducting the evaluation of leadership and human capital
initiatives as well as assisting organizations in developing
comprehensive evaluation strategies.
The ROI Institute, Inc., is a benchmarking, research, and
information sharing organization that provides consulting services,
workshops, and certification in the ROI Methodology. Widely
considered the leading authority on evaluation and measurement of
learning and development in organizations, the ROI Institute
conducts workshops and offers certification for thousands of
practitioners through a variety of strategic partners.