Here’s the book you need to prepare for Exam 70-216, Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure.This study guide provides:* In-depth coverage of every exam objective–all the informationyou need* Practical information on managing a Windows 2000 networkinfrastructure* Hundreds of challenging review questions, in the book and onthe CD* Leading-edge exam preparation software, including a testingengine, electronic flashcards, and simulation software Authoritative coverage of all exam objectives, including:* DNS in a Windows 2000 network infrastructure* DHCP in a Windows 2000 network infrastructure* Remote access in a Windows 2000 network infrastructure* Network protocols in a Windows 2000 network infrastructure* WINS in a Windows 2000 network infrastructure* IP routing in a Windows 2000 network infrastructure* Certificate Services Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of e Book file.
Introduction.Assessment Test.Chapter1 Understanding Windows 2000 Networking.Chapter2 Windows 2000 Network Naming Services.Chapter3 Windows 2000 Connectivity and Security Services.Chapter4 Installing and Configuring Basic Network Protocols.Chapter5 Managing the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.Chapter6 Installing and Managing Domain Name Service (DNS).Chapter7 Managing the Windows Internet Name Service.Chapter8 Managing IP Routing.Chapter9 Managing Remote Access Services.Chapter10 Managing Virtual Private Networking.Chapter11 Managing IP Security.Chapter12 Installing and Configuring Network Clients.Chapter13 Managing Network Address Translation.Chapter14 Installing and Configuring Microsoft Certificate Server.Glossary.Index.
Paul Robichaux, MCSE, has authored more than 20 books andwritten whitepapers on Windows 2000 for Microsoft Corporation. Heresides in Huntsville, Alabama.James Chellis, MCT, MCSE, is CEO of Cereba, a Microsoft Certified Solution Provider specializing in training and coursewaredevelopment.