This volume of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing contains accepted – pers presented at SOCO 2010 held in the beautiful and historic city of Guimarães, Portugal, June 2010. The global purpose of SOCO conferences has been to provide a broad and – terdisciplinary forum for soft computing and associated paradigms, which are playing increasingly important roles in an important number of industrial and – vironmental applications fields. Soft computing represents a collection or set of computational techniques in machine learning, computer science and some engineering disciplines, which – vestigate, simulate and analyze very complex issues and phenomena. This wo- shop is mainly focused on its industrial and environmental applications. th SOCO 2010 is the 5 International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications and provides interesting opportunities to present and d- cuss the latest theoretical advances and real world applications in this multidis- plinary research field. This volume presents the papers accepted for the 2010 edition, both for the main event and the Special Sessions. SOCO 2010 Special Sessions are a very u- ful tool in order to complement the regular program with new or emerging topics of particular interest to the participating community. Special Sessions that emp- size on multi-disciplinary and transversal aspects, as well as cutting-edge topics were especially encouraged and welcome. SOCO 2010 included a total of 3 Special Sessions: Ensemble Learning and – formation Fusion for Industrial Applications; Soft Computing for Service M- agement; Hybrid Intelligent Systems and Applications.
Agents and Multiagent Systems.- A Security Proposal Based on a Real Time Agent to Protect Web Services Against Do S Attack.- Approaching Real-Time Intrusion Detection through MOVICAB-IDS.- Hybrid Dynamic Planning Mechanism for Virtual Organizations.- Combinatorial Auctions for Coordination and Control of Manufacturing MAS: Updating Prices Methods.- Intelligent Systems.- A Software Tool for Harmonic Distortion Simulation Caused by Non-linear Household Loads.- A Multiobjective Variable Neighborhood Search for Solving the Motif Discovery Problem.- Solving the Routing and Wavelength Assignment Problem in WDM Networks by Using a Multiobjective Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm.- i Genda: An Event Scheduler for Common Users and Centralised Systems.- Scalable Intelligence and Adaptation in Scheduling DSS.- Evolutionary Computing.- A Parallel Cooperative Evolutionary Strategy for Solving the Reporting Cells Problem.- Optimization of Parallel Manipulators Using Evolutionary Algorithms.- Multi-criteria Manipulator Trajectory Optimization Based on Evolutionary Algorithms.- Combining Heuristics Backtracking and Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Container Loading Problem with Weight Distribution.- A Decision Support System for Logistics Operations.- Energy and Environmental Applications.- Greenhouse Heat Load Prediction Using a Support Vector Regression Model.- Evaluating the Low Quality Measurements in Lighting Control Systems.- Soft Computing Models for an Environmental Application.- Hybrid Systems.- GRASP Algorithm for Optimization of Grids for Multiple Classifier System.- A Scatter Search Based Approach to Solve the Reporting Cells Problem.- Fuzzy Optimization of Start-Up Operations for Combined Cycle Power Plants.- Catalog Segmentation by Implementing Fuzzy Clustering and Mathematical Programming Model.- Multi-Network-Feedback-Error-Learning with Automatic Insertion.- Applications.- An Optimized 3D Surface Reconstruction Method Using Spatial Kalman Filtering of Projected Line Patterns.- Decision Making and Quality-of-Information.- The Gene Expression Programming Applied to Demand Forecast.- Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Classifiers.- A Bio-inspired Ensemble Model for Food Industry Applications.- Hybrid Intelligent Systems and Applications.- Implementation of a New Hybrid Methodology for Fault Signal Classification Using Short -Time Fourier Transform and Support Vector Machines.- Advances in Clustering Search.- WSAN Qo S Driven Control Model for Building Operations.- Intelligent Hybrid Control Model for Lighting Systems Using Constraint-Based Optimisation.