Dr Graham Pascoe was born in Brighton, Sussex, in 1949. He studied German and French at Oxford University, obtained diplomas in English as a Foreign Language from the University of Wales and in Linguistics from London University, and a doctorate in English as a Foreign Language, with Linguistics and Phonetics, from the University of Munich. He taught English in Britain, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, Austria and Japan, and in the 1980s he presented English-teaching programmes on Bavarian television, some of which are still shown in Germany. He lives in Germany, and for 30 years he taught at the Sprachen und Dolmetscher Institut in Munich, a specialist college that trains students to become professional translators and interpreters. He is married, with three grown-up children and (so far) five grandchildren. He first heard of the Falkland Islands from his music teacher at primary school, a Falkland Islander born at Roy Cove on West Falkland in 1887, and he became actively interested in the islands while at university. For the past 20 years he has been intensively researching the islands’ history; he has written several articles and internet papers on the Falklands, and in 2014 he published The Battle of the Falklands 1914, a 60-page booklet commemorating the 100th anniversary of the battle. Falklands Facts and Fallacies is his first full-length book on the islands. The first two volumes of his major 4-volume work The Falklands Saga were published in June 2022; volumes 3 and 4 are in course of preparation.
9 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Peter Pepper
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