Transnational crime and justice will characterize the 21st century in same way that traditional street crimes dominated the 20th century. In the
Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice, Philip Reichel and Jay Albanese bring together top scholars from around the world to offer perspectives on the laws, crimes, and criminal justice responses to transnational crime. This concise, reader-friendly handbook is organized logically around four major themes: the problem of transnational crime; analysis of specific transnational crimes; approaches to its control; and regional geographical analyses. Each comprehensive chapter is designed to be explored as a stand-alone topic, making this handbook an important textbook and reference tool for students and practitioners alike.
PART I: The Problem of Transnational Crime
1. Historical Overview of Transnational Crime – Mitchel P. Roth
2. Comparing Crime and Justice – Harry R. Dammer, Philip L. Reichel and Ni He
3. Measuring and Researching Transnational Crime – Rosemary Barberet
PART II: Transnational Crimes
4. Drug Trafficking as a Transnational Crime – Matthew S. Jenner
5. International Trafficking in Weapons – Mike Bourne
6. Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods – Kristiina Kangaspunta and Marco Musumeci
7. Transnational Cybercrime and Fraud – Russell G. Smith
8. Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants – Andrea Di Nicola
9. Transnational Sex Crimes – Katalin Parti
10. Transnational Envrionmental Crime – Raymond Michalowski and Ronald Kramer
11. Transnational Organized Crime Networks – Jan van Dijk and Toine Spapens
12. The Economics of Money Laundering – Leonardo Borlini
13. Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime – Gus Martin
14. International Criminal Law and International Crimes – Grant Niemann
PART III: Transnational Crime Control
15. The United Nations Role in Crime Control and Prevention – Slawomir Redo and Michael Platzer
16. International Instruments on Cooperation in Responding to Transnational Crime – Matti Joutsen
17. Police and Prosecutorial Cooperation in Rsponding to Transnational Crime – Gorazd Meško and Robert Furman
18. Adjudicating International Crimes – Aaron Fichtelberg
19. Combating Transnational Crime Under the Rule of Law: Contemporary Opportunities and Dilemmas – Emil W. Plywaczewski and Wojciech Filipkowski
20. Transnational Issues Related To Corrections – John Winterdyk and Anne Miller
21. A View From the Trenches: The Reality of International Cooperation – Matti Joutsen
PART IV: Regional Analysis
22. Organized Crime in Africa – Mark Shaw
23. Organized Crime in Asia and the Middle East – Richard H. Ward and Daniel J. Mabrey
24. Organized Crime in Europe – Klaus von Lampe
25. Organized Crime in Latin America – Mary Fran T. Malone and Christine B. Malone-Rowe
26. Organized Crime in North America – James O. Finckenauer and Jay S. Albanese
27. Organized Crime in Oceania – Roderic Broadhurst, Mark Lauchs, and Sally Lohrisch
Jay Albanese is a professor in the Wilder School of Government & Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. He is the first Ph.D. graduate from the Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice. He served as Chief of the International Center at the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Albanese is author and editor of 20 books on organized crime, ethics, corruption, transnational crime, and criminal justice. He is recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award from Virginia Commonwealth University, the Gerhard Mueller Award for research contributions from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences International Section, and the Distinguished Scholar Award from the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime. He is a past president and fellow of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and co-founder of Criminologists without Borders.