From the beginning, Phyllis Krystal”s life (May, 11th, 1914 – December, 10th, 2016) had been characterized by her interest in fundamental and profound questions concerning the human existence. Already in the 1950″s, living in the United States as a wife and mother, she began with her friend Virginia using the “waking dream technique” to find answers to some of these questions. It was during the course of this work that the Phyllis Krystal Method®, named after her, arose. During her very long life, Phyllis gave innumerable trainings, seminars and individual sessions around the world, helping to develop and spread this Method. Thanks to her tireless dedication well into her very senior years, she helped innumerable people and clients to free themselves and find real meaning in their lives.
10 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Phyllis Krystal
Phyllis Krystal: Flight of the Phoenix to Liberation
The Flight of the Phoenix is Phyllis Krystal’s last book completed at the end of her 102 years and 8 months of life. In it she describes her experience of arising from the "dark night of the sou …
Phyllis Krystal: Rompere le catene
Chi di noi può dichiarare in tutta sincerità di essere una persona libera che vive, si esprime, comunica con gli altri in modo spontaneo, senza cercare di nascondere nessun aspetto della propria pers …
Phyllis Krystal: Cutting more Ties That Bind
This is the sequel to ‘Cutting the Ties That Bind’ and contains advanced information that can be used to release ourselves from more complex systems that programme behaviours. These include familial …
Phyllis Krystal: Die inneren Fesseln sprengen
Die Phyllis Krystal Methode ermöglicht es, sich von falschen Sicherheiten, überholten Verhaltensmustern und Einstellungen sowie von Abhängigkeiten zu befreien. Die Autorin beschreibt in diesem Buch T …
Phyllis Krystal: Cutting the Ties of Karma
This third book of the Cutting the Ties That Bind series shows you, how to free yourself from old outdated attitudes, habits and concepts, which you might have brought with you from the past. We can …
Phyllis Krystal: Cutting the Ties that Bind
In this book, Phyllis Krystal describes techniques, rituals and symbols which are capable of impressing positive messages on the subconscious mind in order to offset some of the negative conditioning …
Phyllis Krystal: Frei von Angst und Ablehnung
Dies ist die Fortsetzung des Buches ‘Die inneren Fesseln sprengen’. Die hier enthaltenen vertieften Kenntnisse können verwendet werden, um uns von jenen komplexeren Systemen zu befreien, die unsere V …
Phyllis Krystal: Die Fesseln des Karmas sprengen
Dies ist die Fortsetzung von ‘Die Inneren Fesseln sprengen’ und ‘Frei von Angst und Ablehnung’ – beides Bücher von Phyllis Krystal. In diesem Buch wird dir gezeigt, wie du dich von veralteten Einstel …
Phyllis Krystal: Cortando los lazos que atan
En este libro, Phyllis Krystal describe técnicas, rituales y símbolos capaces de grabar mensajes positivos en el subconsciente con el objeto de compensar parte del condicionamiento negativo que se pu …
Phyllis Krystal: Reconnecting the Love Energy – This book is a cry for help to all those who are truly dedicated to service, whether at the individual level or on a more widespread scale.
The balance of the world needs to be restored by reactivating the heart – the world has reached a critical state of lovelessness. Time is important if we are to save this civilization from annihilati …