Come join us down on the farm! There you can meet our hero Graham Grunter, the pig sometimes known as Superham…along with Henry the cockerel and Cockita the hen. Let’s not forget Griselda the Giddy goat and the Ghastly Gaggle of Geese…and of course Jack, who goes to Cockita’s rescue and pits his strength against Evel Ksniezle, the worst weasel in the world! This book is for boys and girls aged six to sixty…and beyond.
Pippa was born and educated in England before leaving for sunnier shores with her South African-born husband. Although a qualified junior-school teacher, theatre was her first love and for many years she was resident actor, director, playwright, songwriter and lyricist with the highly acclaimed Story Spinning Theatre Company in Cape Town, South Africa. The company firmly believed that their musicals should be written for the whole family; after all, if Mum, Dad and other mature family members enjoyed the shows, they would be more inclined to continue bringing their five to twelve year olds along to the theatre. The formula worked well, and it was with this in mind that Pippa wrote her book of stories for bigger people to read to smaller people. Of course, it is hoped that the smaller people will reread the book to themselves when able to do so.
Thomas Stuart attended the University of the West of England, attaining a BA honours degree in illustration and animation. He lives with his wife in Bristol, England, and is currently working as a freelance illustrator, graphic designer and practising artist. He has worked with the BBC as a designer, and has had several commissions from various authors to create their book covers. Tom has been influenced by the classic pen and ink style of Ralph Steadman, and the beautiful soft touches of Anita Jeram’s watercolours.