Designed to serve as a companion volume to Brevard S. Childs’ acclaimed Old Testament Books for Pastor and Teacher, this convenient reference provides authoritative, up-to-date listings of books in the New Testament field for those in the pastoral ministry, as well as for teachers in churches, colleges, and seminaries. Comprehensive in scope, it considers basic exegetical tools, translations, dictionaries, encyclopedias, introductions, histories, theological reference works, and commentaries. Dr. Martin gives priority to books in English, although he cites exceptional works in German and French.
This practical book includes a basic list of what the author considers the most valuable current publications along with classic older volumes that should be the nucleus of a good New Testament library. Containing a complete bibliography, it will help readers of all denominations acquire the basic tools to understand and communicate the message of the New Testament.
Ralph P. Martin (1925–2013) was Professor of New Testament at Azusa Pacific University and Fuller Seminary. He is the author of numerous works including the Word Biblical Commentaries on 2 Corinthians, Philippians, and James. He was the editor of the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters (2003) as well as Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments (1997).