Century begins with the nightmare visions of a young woman named Jane Seymour, catching the reader up in a chronicle on the Seymour family that moves from Austria, America and Africa, through Edinburgh and Venice, and then back through the Paris of the Belle Epoque and forward to 1923 Germany. One of the most far-reaching novels ever published in Canada.
Ray Smith: A native of Mabou, Cape Breton, to which he has returned, Ray Smith lived in Montreal for forty years, where he taught English literature at Dawson College. He is the author of, among others, A Night at the Opera (winner of the 1992 Qspell Hugh Mac Lennan Prize for Fiction), Cape Breton is the Thought-Control Centre of Canada, Century, and most recently, The Flush of Victory: Jack Bottomly Among the Virgins, all published by Biblioasis.