The Essential Visual Guide to Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology
Cardiac Electrophysiology: A Visual Guide for Nurses, Techs, and Fellows, Second Edition fulfills the need of allied health personnel and new fellows for a practical, hands-on pictorial guide that clearly illustrates the essential concepts of clinical cardiac electrophysiology. More than 85 high-quality tracings, diagrams, fluoroscopic images, and electroanatomic maps, accompanied by detailed discussions of each image, offer a fundamental understanding of cardiac electrophysiology equipment, principles, and procedures:
• Catheter placement, hardware connections, and intracardiac signals
• Normal electrogram sequences associated with sinus rhythm
• Methodologies used to uncover the mechanisms of common clinical tachycardias
Authored by a team of experts, Cardiac Electrophysiology: A Visual Guide for Nurses, Techs, and Fellows, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for a complex technology, providing superb guidance in acclimating new trainees and personnel to the EP laboratory and empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to practice clinical electrophysiology.
New to the Second Edition:
• A new unit—Cardiac Electrical Axis
• 16 video clips with a focus on electrogram sequences
• An illustrated glossary and abbreviations list
• A free e Book included
Peter Leong-Sit, MD, FRCP(C); Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada