This volume documents a sixteen-year longitudinal study of two elementary schools in which Spanish and Japanese foreign language programs were implemented and evaluated. Evaluation of the programs involved documenting children’s language development, assessing the attitudes of various constituents, and examining critical issues related to the introduction and successful operation of a well articulated sequential foreign language program in schools. The volume concludes with a discussion of possible reasons why over time certain sequential foreign language programs flourish and grow while other programs are reduced or eliminated from the school’s curriculum. Parallels with the theory and practice of environmental sustainable development are used as a framework for this analysis.
Chapter 1 Introduction: The Tale of Two Schools
Chapter 2 Program Development and Implementation: A Contrastive Story
Chapter 3 A Comprehensive Model of Program Evaluation
Chapter 4 Documenting Language Program Achievement
Chapter 5 Documenting Language Program Development: The Views of Parents, Children and their Teachers
Chapter 6 The Sustainability of Early Language Learning Programs
Chapter 7 Emergent Themes of Successful Programs
Chapter 8 Summary and Conclusions
G. Richard Tucker is Paul Mellon University Professor of Applied Linguistics at Carnegie Mellon University. He has published widely concerning diverse aspects of second language learning and teaching and language policy and planning. In addition to his work in North America, he has lived and worked as a Language Education advisor for the Ford Foundation in Southeast Asia and in the Middle East and North Africa.