Charles Martindale is Professor of Latin at the
University of Bristol He has written extensively on the reception
of classical poetry. In addition to the theoretical Redeeming
the Text: Latin Poetry and the Hermeneutics of Reception
(1993), he has edited or coedited collections on the receptions of
Virgil, Horace, and Ovid, as well as Shakespeare and the
Classics (2004). His most recent book is Latin Poetry and
the Judgement of Taste: An Essay in Aesthetics (2005).
Richard F. Thomas is Professor of Greek and Latin at
Harvard University. His interests are generally focused on
Hellenistic Greek and Roman literature, on intertextuality, and on
the reception of classical literature in all periods. Recent books
include Reading Virgil and His Texts: Studies in
Intertextuality (1999) and Virgil and the Augustan
Reception (2001). He is currently working on a commentary to
Horace, Odes 4 and a coedited volume on the performance
artistry of Bob Dylan.
8 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Richard F. Thomas
Charles Martindale & Richard F. Thomas: Classics and the Uses of Reception
This landmark collection presents a wide variety of viewpoints on the value and role of reception theory within the modern discipline of classics. * A pioneering collection, looking at the role recep …
Richard F. Thomas: Why Dylan Matters
A GUARDIAN AND INDEPENDENT BEST MUSIC BOOK OF 2017.’At last an expert classicist gets to grips with Bob Dylan’ Mary Beard’Thomas’s elegant, charming book offers something for everyone – not just the …
Richard F. Thomas: Why Bob Dylan Matters
FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED. The coolest class on campus The New York Times When the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Bob Dylan in 2016, a debate raged. Some celebrated, while many others ques …
Richard F. Thomas: Why Bob Dylan Matters
“The coolest class on campus” – The New York Times When the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Bob Dylan in 2016, a debate raged. Some celebrated, while many others questione …
Virgil: Aeneid
This volume represents the most ambitious project of distinguished poet David Ferry’s life: a complete translation of Virgil’s Aeneid. Ferry has long been known as the foremost contemporary translato …