The late Richard M. Hogg was Professor of English Language
at the University of Manchester. He was the General Editor of the
Cambridge History of the English Language and author, with
C. B. Mc Cully, of Metrical Phonology: A Coursebook (1987),
and editor, with David Denison, of A History of the English
Language (2008).
R. D. Fulk is Chancellor”s Professor of English at
Indiana University. His books include The Origins of
Indo-European Quantitative Ablaut (1986), A History of Old
English Meter (1992), and as editor, with Robert E. Bjork and
John D. Niles, Klaeber”s Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg, 4th
Edition (2008).
5 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Richard M. Hogg
Richard M. Hogg & R. D. Fulk: A Grammar of Old English, Volume 2
A Grammar of Old English, Volume II: Morphology completes Richard M. Hogg’s two-volume analysis of the sounds and grammatical forms of the Old English language. * Incorporates insights derived from t …
Richard M. Hogg: A Grammar of Old English, Volume 1
First published in 1992, A Grammar of Old English, Volume 1: Phonology was a landmark publication that in the intervening years has not been surpassed in its depth of scholarship and usefulness to th …
Richard M. Hogg: A Grammar of Old English, Volume 1
First published in 1992, A Grammar of Old English, Volume 1: Phonology was a landmark publication that in the intervening years has not been surpassed in its depth of scholarship and usefulness to th …
Richard M. Hogg & R. D. Fulk: A Grammar of Old English, Volume 2
A Grammar of Old English, Volume II: Morphology completes Richard M. Hogg’s two-volume analysis of the sounds and grammatical forms of the Old English language. * Incorporates insights derived from t …
Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero & David Denison: Generative Theory and Corpus Studies