Richard Maurice Bucke was born March 18, 1837, in Methwold, a village on the edge of the Norfolk fens, in England. When he was one year old, his father moved to Canada and Richard was subsequently educated at London Grammar School. He studied medicine at McGill University, graduating in 1862. He continued his studies in England and France, before returning to Canada in 1864 to take up medical practice. In 1876 he became medical superintendent of the insane asylum in Hamilton, Ontario, and in 1878 was medical superintendent of the insane asylum in London, Ontario.Around 1872 Bucke had what became for him a life-changing mystical experience which he called an “intellectual illumination.” He spent the next thirty years seeking out other people who had a similar experience and reflecting upon the significance of such altering of consciousness. The literary result of his study, the book Cosmic Consciousness (1901), became a classic work on the subject. He theorized that a higher consciousness was a natural faculty in man at a certain state of development.Bucke passed away after slipping on a step on February 19, 1902, in London, Ontario.
17 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Richard Maurice Bucke
Richard Maurice Bucke: Cosmic Consciousness
Acclaimed by William James as "an addition to psychology of first-rate importance, " this pioneering work constitutes a classic modern study of the mystical experience. Author Richard Mauri …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Cosmic Conciousness, a Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind
Paphos Publishers offers a wide catalog of rare classic titles, published for a new generation. What is Cosmic Consciousness? The present volume is an attempt to answer this question; but notwithsta …
Walt Whitman: The Wound Dresser
Walt Whitman’s ‘The Wound Dresser’ stands as a poignant testament to the human experience during the American Civil War, encapsulating the intimate and harrowing realities faced by soldiers through t …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Kosmisches Bewusstsein (übersetzt)
– Diese Ausgabe ist einzigartig; – Die Übersetzung ist vollständig original; – Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kosmisches Bewusstsein:Eine Studie über die Evolution des menschlichen Geistes ist ein Buch des …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Kosmisches Bewusstsein (übersetzt)
– Diese Ausgabe ist einzigartig; – Die Übersetzung ist vollständig original; – Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kosmisches Bewusstsein:Eine Studie über die Evolution des menschlichen Geistes ist ein Buch des …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Conscience cosmique (traduit)
– Cette édition est unique; – La traduction est entièrement originale; – Tous droits réservés. Conscience cosmique: Une étude de l’évolution de l’esprit humain, est un livre du psychiatre canadien Ri …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Conciencia cósmica (traducido)
– Esta edición es única; – La traducción es completamente original; – Todos los derechos reservados. Conciencia cósmica: Un estudio sobre la evolución de la mente humana, es un libro del psiquiatra c …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Conscience cosmique (traduit)
– Cette édition est unique; – La traduction est entièrement originale; – Tous droits réservés. Conscience cosmique: Une étude de l’évolution de l’esprit humain, est un livre du psychiatre canadien Ri …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Consciência Cósmica (traduzido)
– Esta edição é única; – A tradução é completamente original; – Todos os direitos reservados. Consciência Cósmica: Um estudo sobre a evolução da mente humana, é um livro do psiquiatra canadense Richa …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Coscienza cosmica (tradotto)
– Questa edizione è unica; – La traduzione è completamente originale; – Tutti i diritti riservati. Coscienza cosmica: Uno studio sull’evoluzione della mente umana, è un libro dello psichiatra canades …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Conciencia cósmica (traducido)
– Esta edición es única; – La traducción es completamente original; – Todos los derechos reservados. Conciencia cósmica: Un estudio sobre la evolución de la mente humana, es un libro del psiquiatra c …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Cosmic consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind, is a book by Canadian psychiatrist Richard Maurice Bucke, first published in 1901. The book explores the concept of cosmic consciousn …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Consciência Cósmica (traduzido)
– Esta edição é única; – A tradução é completamente original; – Todos os direitos reservados. Consciência Cósmica: Um estudo sobre a evolução da mente humana, é um livro do psiquiatra canadense Richa …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Coscienza cosmica (tradotto)
– Questa edizione è unica; – La traduzione è completamente originale; – Tutti i diritti riservati. Coscienza cosmica: Uno studio sull’evoluzione della mente umana, è un libro dello psichiatra canades …
Richard Maurice Bucke: Cosmic consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind, is a book by Canadian psychiatrist Richard Maurice Bucke, first published in 1901. The book explores the concept of cosmic consciousn …