This collection provides a comprehensive analysis of intervention approaches to dementia caregiving. It reviews the existing knowledge and provides a conceptual framework for organizing caregiver interventions of all types. Of special interest is the design of an intervention study for a culturally diverse community. The volume concludes with a discussion of how to translate intervention research into public policy, with an assessment of the future of caregiving and caregiving intervention research.
Introduction and Overview,
Richard Schulz
The Extent and Impact of Dementia Care: Unique Challenges Experienced by Family Caregivers, Marcia G. Ory, Jennifer L. Yee, Sharon L. Tennstedt, and Richard Schulz Understanding the Interventions Process: A Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for Intervention Approaches to Caregiving, Richard Schulz, Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, William Haley, and Sara Czaja Interventions for In-Home Caregivers: A Review of Research 1990 to Present, Joal Kennet, Louis Burgio, and Richard Schulz The Pragmatics of Implementing Intervention Studies in the Community, Linda O. Nichols, Charlotte Malone, Barbara Tarlow, and David Loewenstein Development and Implementation of Intervention Strategies for Culturally Diverse Caregiving Populations, Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, Patricia Arean, David Coon, Ana Menendez, Kellie Takagi, William E. Haley, Trinidad Arguelles, Mark Rubert, David Lowenstein, and Jose Szapocznik Measurement Issues in Intervention Research, Galen E. Switzer, Stephen R. Wisniewski, Steven H. Belle, Robert Burns, Laraine Winter, Larry Thompson, and Richard Schulz Identifying Mechanisms of Action: Why and How Does Intervention Work? Laura N. Gitlin, Mary Corcoran, Jennifer Martindale-Adams, Charlotte Malone, Alan Stevens, and Laraine Winter From Intervention Studies to Public Policy: Translating Research into Practice, Diane Feeney Mahoney, Robert Burns, and Brooke Harrow Future Directions in Caregiving: Implications for Intervention Research, Sara J. Czaja, Carl Eisdorfer, and Richard Schulz Index
Richard Schulz, Ph D, is Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, Epidemiology, Sociology, and Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, and Director of the University Center for Social and Urban Research, at the University of Pittsburgh. He is also Associate Director of the Institute on Aging at the University of Pittsburgh.