Since the early 1990s there has been a global trend towards governmental devolution. However, in Australia, alongside deregulation, public–private partnerships and privatisation, there has been increasing centralisation rather than decentralisation of urban governance. Australian state governments are responsible for the planning, management and much of the funding of the cities, but the Commonwealth government has on occasion asserted much the same role. Disjointed policy and funding priorities between levels of government have compromised metropolitan economies, fairness and the environment.
Australia’s Metropolitan Imperative: An Agenda for Governance Reform makes the case that metropolitan governments would promote the economic competitiveness of Australia’s cities and enable more effective and democratic planning and management. The contributors explore the global metropolitan ‘renaissance’, document the history of metropolitan debate in Australia and demonstrate metropolitan governance failures. They then discuss the merits of establishing metropolitan governments, including economic, fiscal, transport, land use, housing and environmental benefits.
The book will be a useful resource for those engaged in strategic, transport and land use planning, and a core reference for students and academics of urban governance and government.
1. Introduction: metropolitan governance in the absence of metropolitan government
Richard Tomlinson
Australian Backdrop
2. Hobbled by history? The governmental gap in metropolitan Australia
Graeme Davison and David Dunstan
3. Citizen Unseen: Metropolitan democratic and knowledge deficits
Richard Tomlinson
4. Infrastructure misadventures
Sophie Sturup
International Precedent
5. The metropolitan renaissance and the model(s) of metropolitan government
Daniel Kübler
6. Subsidiarity and metropolitan innovation in the USA
Marcus Spiller and Rhys Murrian
7. Metro mayors, participative democracy and the construction of city-regional governance in England: Manchester’s experience of Devo Manc
Iain Deas
8. Metropolitan governance in Toronto and Vancouver
Martin Horak and Andreanne Doyon
9. Auckland – An assessment of New Zealand’s experiment with metropolitan governance
Christine Cheyne
Assessing the Rationale for Metropolitan Government in Australia
10. Economic competitiveness, planning and productivity
Marcus Spiller and Laura Schmahmann
11. A fair go: Metropolitan government and housing
Richard Tomlinson and Marcus Spiller
12. Fiscal decentralisation and autonomy
Vincent Mangioni
13. Australian Cities and the Governance of Climate Change
Peter Newton, Nigel Bertram, John Handmer, Nigel Tapper, Richard Thornton and Penny Whetton
14. Integrated transport and land use planning
Peter Newman
15. Shaping the metropolis
Marcus Spiller
16. Conclusion: the metropolis in the federation
Marcus Spiller