MBCT for PTSD provides solid principles, practical tools, and numerous case examples for integrating mindfulness into PTSD treatment. Based on the authors’ experience in the first randomized controlled clinical trial, this pioneering book expands the range of potential treatment options.
* MBCT has been growing in popularity, and has solid research support, but this is the first text to apply it to trauma survivors
* This pioneering text is based on the authors’ experience in using MBCT for PTSD in the first randomized controlled clinical trial
* Containing numerous case examples, it expands the range of potential treatment options and lends new hope for trauma survivors to lead more fulfilling lives
* The authors combined have a unique set of expert skills; Dr Chard is a well-known expert on PTSD, and Dr Sears is an expert on mindfulness and MBCT
Notes on Authors ix
Foreword xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Notes on Audio Resources xv
1 Introduction 1
2 Trauma, PTSD, and Current Treatments 7
Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD 7
Biology of PTSD 10
Who develops PTSD? 12
Current Evidence?]Based Treatments for PTSD 13
3 Mindfulness 22
Mindfulness Defined 22
Mechanisms of Action 34
How Mindfulness is Different 51
Treatments Utilizing Mindfulness 53
4 Overview of MBCT for PTSD 58
Outline of MBCT Sessions 59
Basic CBT Principles Used in MBCT 66
MBCT Mindfulness Exercises 75
Mindful Inquiry 92
5 Delivery of MBCT for PTSD 98
Which Delivery Format is Best to Use and When? 98
MBCT for PTSD Delivered in an Individual Format 99
MBCT for PTSD Delivered in a Group Format 124
Practicalities for Conducting MBCT Sessions for PTSD 131
Future Directions 135
6 Developing Personal and Professional Competence 140
The Importance of the Therapist’s Own Practice 140
Mindfulness and Therapist Self?]Care 142
Developing Competence in MBCT for PTSD 143
Resources 148
References 156
Index 182
Richard W. Sears is a clinical psychologist with a private psychology and consulting practice in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is clinical/research faculty at UC Integrative Medicine and a contract psychologist at the Cincinnati VA. His publications include Mindfulness in Clinical Practice (with R. B. Denton and D. Tirch, 2011), Perspectives on Spirituality and Religion in Psychotherapy (edited with A. Niblick) and Mindfulness: Living through Challenges and Enriching your Life in this Moment (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014). His website is www.psych-insights.com.
Kathleen M. Chard is Associate Chief of Staff for Research and Director of the Trauma Recovery Center at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of Cognitive Processing Therapy Therapist Manual, Department of Veterans Affairs (2008, 2014) and Cognitive Processing Therapy Group Treatment Manual, Department of Veterans Affairs, (2010, 2014). She has conducted numerous studies on the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in veteran and civilian populations.