3 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Robert F. Jr. Kennedy
Hans G. Brauch & Robert F. Jr. Kennedy: Alternative Conventional Defense Postures In The European Theater
First published in 1993. This volume, edited jointly by the American strategic expert Robert Kennedy and the German peace researcher Hans Giinter Brauch, takes up conceptual ideas developed by Horst …
Hans G. Brauch & Robert F. Jr. Kennedy: Alternative Conventional Defense Postures In The European Theater
First published in 1993. This volume, edited jointly by the American strategic expert Robert Kennedy and the German peace researcher Hans Giinter Brauch, takes up conceptual ideas developed by Horst …
Robert F. Jr. Kennedy & Brian Hooker: Vaccinati non vaccinati
Per la prima volta viene presentata al pubblico la letteratura scientifica che mette a confronto la salute e il benessere dei bambini regolarmente vaccinati, di quelli vaccinati in parte e di quelli …