The court orders Professional Guardians to make critical decisions; this pragmatic guide explains how to make those decisions. It guides the reader through the process of making bio-ethical healthcare, ethical social and welfare choices, and how to prudently manage client assets, while avoiding conflicts of interest.
Responsibility for making life-and-death decisions for children and the elderly is much more difficult than making individual decisions for oneself.
Nationally, 3.6 million referrals are made to Child Protection Investigators, involving 6.6 million children annually. The U.S. happens to be the worst among developed industrial nations, losing 4-to-7 children every day to parental abuse and neglect.
Florida is the nations grayest state. Nearly 25% of the Sunshine states population are seniors. They should be the nations leader in Eldercare and Childcare laws, standards, and support systems. Are they?
There are many sensationalistic stories about guardianship exploitation and fraud. Guardianship Reality provides a balanced view by two authors who have handled dozens of complex cases annually. The facts are that guardianship is a very honorable profession dedicated to the Best Interests of Children and the Elderly.
Innuendo, accusations, and deceitful news is not limited merely to politics. Co-author, Fernando Gutierrez, has been accused of exploitation, weeks before this book was published. The Truth Shall Set You Free!
If youre not accused of something, youre probably not doing your job. Authors
Fernando Gutierrez: Has been a Registered Professional Guardian since 2008. During these years he handled hundreds of cases. Fernando has accepted dozens of indigent cases as a proxy, without compensation. Gutierrez completed specialized training in Clinical Healthcare Ethics, where he obtained many certificates of accomplishment. Fernando Gutierrez graduated from intensive healthcare educational courses and programs at several prominent institutions: National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, University of Washington School of Medicine, University of Virginia Medical School and Washington D.C. Hospital Center, and has written many articles on Bio-Ethics.
Robert Thomas Fertig: After serving in the USAF, Fertig work at the Columbia University’s Graduate Physics Lab, in NYC. Soon thereafter he became an Information Technology instructor for General Electric. Robert joined Sperry Univac, as a Competitive Analyst, and years later moved to Advanced Computer Techniques, as Vice President of the Technology Analysis Group. Subsequently, Fertig established the IT consulting firm, Enterprise Information Systems, Inc. Robert Fertig spent five years with his spouse, Miriam, as Guardian ad Litem volunteers. Currently he’s a registered Eldercare Guardian. Fertig is the recent author of: Consequences, Quicksand (a novel), and Best Interests of the Children.