Curated by Harvard Business Review, this digital collection brings together the ideas of leadership expert Robert Steven Kaplan. Successful leaders know that leadership is less often about having all the answersand more often about asking the right questions. The challenge lies in being able to step back, reflect, and ask the key questions that are critical to your performance and your organization’s effectiveness. What to Ask the Person in the Mirror presents a process for asking the big questions that will enable you to diagnose problems, change course if necessary, and advance your career. In What You’re Really Meant to Do, Kaplan shares a specific and actionable approach to defining your own success and reaching your potential. Finally, in What You Really Need to Lead, Kaplan argues that leadership is accessible to all of ustodayand it starts with an ownership mind-set.
Robert Steven Kaplan is president and chief executive of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Previously, he was the Senior Associate Dean for External Relations and Martin Marshall Professor of Management Practice in Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He is the author of three books: What You Really Need to Lead, What You’re Really Meant to Do and What to Ask the Person in the Mirror.