Grad school, here you come!
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is the most widely accepted graduate admissions test worldwide. And GRE Prep 2025/2026 For Dummies is the tried-and-true study guide that will help you get the score you need—with clear explanations, 6 practice tests, more than 400 flashcards, and killer testing strategies. Updated information covers recent changes to the length and content of the test. Plan for test day, sharpen your math, reading, and writing skills, and read up on best practices for each GRE section. Start your grad school journey on the right foot with this Dummies study guide.
- Work through practice GRE tests and questions in all subject areas
- Show grad school admissions committees that you have what it takes to succeed
- Get a full math refresher so you can score your best on this much-feared test section
- Pursue your dream career and boost your potential earnings with a graduate degree
GRE Prep 2025/2026 For Dummies is your ticket to a higher score on this important exam.
Introduction 1
Part 1: Getting Started with the GRE 5
Chapter 1: Knowing the GRE 7
Chapter 2: Planning Your Time 13
Chapter 3: Planning for Exam Day: Everything Outside the Exam 23
Part 2: Tackling the Verbal Section One Word at a Time 27
Chapter 4: Upping Your Best GRE Verbal Score 29
Chapter 5: What Are They Saying: Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence 33
Chapter 6: Getting the Gist: Reading Comprehension 51
Chapter 7: Critical Thinking: Argument Analysis Questions 67
Chapter 8: Expanding Your Vocabulary to Boost Your Score 77
Part 3: Math You Thought You’d Never Need Again 97
Chapter 9: Raising Your Best GRE Math Score 99
Chapter 10: Working with Numbers and Operations 105
Chapter 11: Solving Algebra and Functions 129
Chapter 12: Drawing Geometry 157
Chapter 13: Simplifying Word Problems 191
Chapter 14: Interpreting Data and Graphs 213
Chapter 15: Comparing Quantities 235
Part 4: Getting the Essay Right 253
Chapter 16: Writing the Essay Well and Fast 255
Chapter 17: Practicing Your Essay 265
Part 5: Full-Length Practice Exams: Show Time 271
Chapter 18: Practice Exam 1 273
Chapter 19: Practice Exam 1: Answers and Explanations 291
Chapter 20: Practice Exam 2 301
Chapter 21: Practice Exam 2: Answers and Explanations 319
Part 6: The Part of Tens 329
Chapter 22: Ten Key Facts about the GRE 331
Chapter 23: Ten Mistakes You Won’t Make (While Others Will) 335
Chapter 24: Ten Ways to Build Your Skills with the Online Practice Exams 339
Index 343
Ron Woldoff is the founder of National Test Prep, where he has helped thousands of students reach their goals on the GMAT, GRE, ACT, and SAT. He has taught his own test prep courses at Northern Arizona University and is the author of SAT Prep For Dummies and previous editions of GRE Prep For Dummies.