Agent based evolutionary search is an emerging paradigm in computational int- ligence offering the potential to conceptualize and solve a variety of complex problems such as currency trading, production planning, disaster response m- agement, business process management etc. There has been a significant growth in the number of publications related to the development and applications of agent based systems in recent years which has prompted special issues of journals and dedicated sessions in premier conferences. The notion of an agent with its ability to sense, learn and act autonomously – lows the development of a plethora of efficient algorithms to deal with complex problems. This notion of an agent differs significantly from a restrictive definition of a solution in an evolutionary algorithm and opens up the possibility to model and capture emergent behavior of complex systems through a natural age- oriented decomposition of the problem space. While this flexibility of represen- tion offered by agent based systems is widely acknowledged, they need to be – signed for specific purposes capturing the right level of details and description. This edited volume is aimed to provide the readers with a brief background of agent based evolutionary search, recent developments and studies dealing with various levels of information abstraction and applications of agent based evo- tionary systems. There are 12 peer reviewed chapters in this book authored by d- tinguished researchers who have shared their experience and findings spanning across a wide range of applications.
Agent Based Evolutionary Approach: An Introduction.- Multi-Agent Evolutionary Model for Global Numerical Optimization.- An Agent Based Evolutionary Approach for Nonlinear Optimization with Equality Constraints.- Multiagent-Based Approach for Risk Analysis in Mission Capability Planning.- Agent Based Evolutionary Dynamic Optimization.- Divide and Conquer in Coevolution: A Difficult Balancing Act.- Complex Emergent Behaviour from Evolutionary Spatial Animat Agents.- An Agent-Based Parallel Ant Algorithm with an Adaptive Migration Controller.- An Attempt to Stochastic Modeling of Memetic Systems.- Searching for the Effective Bidding Strategy Using Parameter Tuning in Genetic Algorithm.- PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization): One Method, Many Possible Applications.- VISPLORE: Exploring Particle Swarms by Visual Inspection.