If you work in the early years, you have probably heard of Montessori and Bronfenbrenner – but have you heard of Bavolek or Fisher? Contemporary theorists and theories of early childhood learning have much to teach us. It is often forgotten that this learning is still evolving and that new voices are joining the discussion every year.
This book introduces early years practitioners to some contemporary theorists and explores their work alongside more well-known thinkers. It demonstrates how these theories relate to everyday practice in the early years and that discussion of them can support ongoing professional learning.
Stephen Bavolek – Aaron Bradbury
Urie Bronfenbrenner – Tamsin Grimmer
Pierre Bourdieu – Kate Irvine
Friedrich Froebel – Meredith Rose
Julie Fisher – Ruth Swailes
Loris Malaguzzi – Valerie Daniel
Maria Montessori – Sue Allingham
Tina Bruce – Philippa Thompson
Valerie Daniel – Aaron Bradbury
Margaret Mc Millan and Grace Owen – Pam Jarvis
Aaron Bradbury is Principal Lecturer for Early Childhood Studies, Childhood, Early Years Apprenticeships and Higher Technical Qualifications in Early Years at Nottingham Trent University. Research Interests: Widening participation (access for all) with links to apprenticeship pedagogy, Early Years and Education.